Session 45
From Gothpoodle
Sunday, April 27, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007 (Waxing Crescent)
- Hank, Janice, and Lee stabilize the church soldiers bleeding to death.
- Steal the remaining van.
- (NPC) War party goes to the Lago de los Dolores.
- (NPC) Jeff heals Lynn and Penny's grevious wounds somewhat.
- Alarm goes off at the Squatter's House, show up and shoot the Warlord, who crosses and retreats.
- Lee calls Aguirre to warn him and calls Eduardo to give a heads up.
- Lee issues a challenge in the Shadow.
- DeAndre summons a violence spirit from the Project and finds out the Abuse Apartment has been drained.
- Christoval drops the van at Lee's Garage and heads to check out Grind.
- DeAndre goes to check on the Writer's Loft.
- Christoval and DeAndre meet up to check out Bad House, Pork Store Dumpster, Changing Seasons Bookstore, and Meditation Room. Haight-Ashbury demands to speak to Lee.
- Lee checks on other packs, then calls Jiang.
- (NPC) Rainbow Guard and Tree Speakers go to assess the damage on their territories.
- Lee has a sit-down with Haight-Ashbury.
- Lee calls John and asks to meet him at The Lair.
- Argue over giving the Dark Alley back to Liberal Anxiety.
- Pick up pot from Summer's and ask Sell-Out to arrange a meeting with Liberal Anxiety.
- Go to meet the Reefer King and free his prisoners. Arrange with him to take in refugees.
- Plan on how to deal with homeless spirits: Death spirits in Decay Dust and given to Andy; Violence spirit into Storm Arrows; Drug spirits to the Writer's Loft, Grind, and the Lair; Ideological spirits into a Spirit Drum or sundry resolve-boosting fetishes.
- Meet Liberal Anxiety in Dark Alley to negotiate a truce and his repossession of the locus.
- DeAndre reignites the Dark Alley.
- Liberal Anxiety reveals the identity of Jamie Sanchez.
- Agree to let Street Kid access to the Haight so long as it doesn't prey on the street kids here in exchange for its ban.
- Lee checks in with Aguirre and finds the packs have gone home to assess damage.
- Lee calls Andy to ask him to take in Death gafflings.
- Go home and discuss if Andy is the traitor.
- Postpone the Blood Talon meeting.
- Lee talks to Kate at the Old Orchard and arranges the meeting on Friday.
Thursday, October 18, 2007 (Waxing Half)
- (NPC) The Warlord meets with the Keepers of the First Flame to get them to join the war.
- Christoval calls Machete and tells him about Jamie Sanchez.
- Christoval arranges to have Jamie meet them at the Abuse Apartment.
- DeAndre convinces Evisceration to be bound to the shotgun, Gutshot.
- Christoval has Machete get Sanchez out of town.
- Drop the incriminating knife off at Bad House.
- DeAndre makes arrangements with other Ithaeur to meet to bind refugees into talens.
- Sleep.
- Janice calls Lee and pleads with her to talk Cyn out of joining the Night-Stalkers.
Experience: 4/163