Session 30

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Saturday, November 24, 2007

Friday, September 14, 2007 (Waxing Crescent)

  • (NPC) Phillip, disguised as Mike, murders Tess in her hotel room.
  • (NPC) Keepers of the First Flame hit the Scum Fucks and severely injure Angel.
  • (NPC) Nuevo Reyes attack on the Lago de los Dolores, discorporating Dolores and badly injuring the Caballeros.
  • Find Summer missing, track her to the Sunset Tunnel, and bring her home.
  • DeAndre calls up Caduceus to diagnose Summer.
  • Track Phillip and Justin's old scent to the San Francisco Armory, hearing battle to the south.
  • Interrogate Dog and Darkness spirits, learn about the wound.
  • Head to Lago de los Dolores and run into the Mission pack licking their wounds.
  • DeAndre does Rite of Healing on Christoval.
  • (NPC) Phelans gather downtown to discuss matters. Hugh wants Mike hunted down and executed. Michelle believes Mike did it; Janice and Lynn do not. Jeff wants to find Mike and talk to him before passing judgment.
  • Lee calls Michelle and finds out about Tess.
  • Lee calls Jeff and is told he can't spare anyone.
  • Lee calls Fred and gets the Night Stalkers to join.
  • DeAndre summons the kestrel spirit and has it watch the Armory.
  • DeAndre borrows shackles from Machete.
  • Meet up with Night Stalkers and head over to the San Francisco Armory.
  • Christoval works the black market for flamethrowers (4/15).

Experience: 0/101

Storyteller Reminder List

  • Stat Ambulance spirit and EMTs.
  • Finish statting up Nuevo Reyes and spirits for Folsom (more Liberal Anxiety brood).

Player Reminder List

  • Identify anchors for car spirits.
  • Look up Russians.
  • Find new caretaker for the Dark Alley.
  • Talk to Tree-Speakers and Rainbow Guard to make a war plan for the Beshilu nest.
  • Plant more trees on Buena Vista Park with the help of "Tree Fuckers".
  • Use Sagacity/Cat to ID McShane's drug.
  • Feed the faerie.


Saturday, September 15, 2007 (Waxing Crescent)

  • (NPC) SUV reforms.
  • (NPC) Vandalism reforms.
  • (NPC) Three homeless drug addicts are killed by arson in the Lower Haight, spurred by Vandalism.

Monday, September 17, 2007 (Waxing Crescent)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007 (Half)

Saturday, September 22, 2007 (Waxing Gibbous)

  • Twilight calls to report spotting of Black Cat close to midnight.

Sunday, September 23, 2007 (Waxing Gibbous)

  • Autumnal Equinox, Spirit-Lamps of Autumn rite hosted by Condor's Sisters.
  • Don Aguirre approaches pack to ask for help with the Folsom Street Fair, tells them to get intelligence from Machete.

Thursday, September 27, 2007 (Waning Full)

  • (EVENT) Art Car Fest starts, Marina Green to Berkeley by way of the Haight.

Sunday, September 30, 2007 (Waning Gibbous)

  • (EVENT) Folsom Street Fair, Pure causing trouble to weaken Caballeros and Scum Fucks before the renewal ceremony on the 17th, Liberal Anxiety involved.

Sunday, October 7, 2007 (Waning Crescent)

  • (EVENT) Castro Street Fair, Jess' band Dominatrix is playing.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007 (Waxing Crescent)

  • (NPC) Keepers of the First Flame attack during renewal of Shackling Rite and free the Great Fire.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007 (Waning Gibbous)

  • (EVENT) Earthquake at 8:04pm near San Jose.

Thursday, November 8, 2007 (Waxing Full)

  • DNA analysis comes back and puts pack at crime scenes
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