Josh Keegan

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Iron Master Rahu

Josh is Tess's grandnephew, Damien's son, and has a sister, Vanessa, who is married to Jeff's son, Benjamin.



An extremely fit but short young man in his early-20s with spikey black hair, deep blue eyes, and a light tan. He wears a khaki t-shirt with a yin-yang, dragon, and tiger in black and gold, loose black trousers, and black leather martial arts shoes. He often wears a black cap with the E. Y. Lee Kung Fu School logo on it.


A small but sturdy black wolf with blue eyes.

Storytelling Hints

Josh has found his purpose in life, the focus for his anger and frustration, and he is utterly dedicated to his pack and his duties therein. He’s trying hard to prove himself to the leaders and has been making good progress. He isn’t invested in protecting gay rights specifically, but objects to bigotry and oppression on a broader level. Nonetheless, he is mostly focused on dealing with the specific problems that his mother died dealing with: the Beshilu, the wounds, and the Pure. While the elder members deal with most of the spirit world issues, he focuses on the material world, walking the streets and looking for signs of spirit crossover. He’s familiar with all of the crossover points and keeps a close eye on people in the vicinity. More and more, though, he’s been pushing to get in on the hisil activities. He’s respectful of the leaders of the pack, particularly since they fought alongside his mother. He is a bit uncomfortable around Penny, not being sure how to act around her but has allowed Maggie to become his “big sister” and advocate. He actually has a crush on her, but for all of the myriad reasons it is impossible has kept it to himself, though the pack totem has been giving him the eye of late.


  • Mental Attributes: Intelligence 2, Wits 3, Resolve 2
  • Physical Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
  • Social Attributes: Presence 2, Manipulation 3, Composure 3
  • Mental Skills: Academics (Economics*) 1, Computer 1, Investigation (Body Language) 2, Occult 1, Politics 1.
  • Physical Skills: Athletics 3, Brawl (Kung Fu) 4, Drive 1, Firearms 1, Stealth (Crowds) 1, Survival 1, Weaponry 1.
  • Social Skills: Animal Ken 1, Empathy 1, Intimidation (Physical Threats) 2, Persuasion 1, Socialize 1, Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 1.
  • Merits: Brawling Dodge 1, Fighting Style: Boxing 3, Fighting Style: Kung Fu 3.
  • Willpower: 5
  • Harmony: 7
  • Virtue: Justice
  • Vice: Wrath
  • Health: 8
  • Initiative: 6
  • Defense: 3 (4 against Brawl, 1 Armor against Bashing)
  • Speed: 11
  • Primal Urge: 2
  • Essence: 11/1
  • Renown: Cunning 1, Glory 2, Honor 1, Purity 1.
  • Gifts: (1) Clarity, Crushing Blow, Know Name, Taste of Flaws*, Warning Growl; (2) Attunement, Word on the Street.


Type Damage Hishu Dalu Gauru Urshul Urhan
Bite 2 (L) 12 11 9
Claw 1 (L) 11 10
Grapple 0 (B) 7 8 10 9 7
Kung Fu 0 (B) 8 9
.38 Special 2 (L) 6 6


Joshua’s mother, Kim, died in the Castro War when he was three years old so he barely has any memory of her, but she has been central to his wife. His father, Damien, tried to shield him and his sister Vanessa from their heritage, cutting himself off from the family and hoping against hope that neither of them would change. Joshua grew up an angry child, prone to violent tempers and never understanding why his mother was gone. Damien wouldn’t discuss it and the rest of the family grudgingly respected his wishes. He developed an interest in martial arts and his father only approved because it helped to channel his violent urges. Then, two years ago, Joshua went through his First Change and practically killed his father, who was defending his sister. When the dust settled, Damien lost his arm and was blind in one eye, his sister was terrified of him, and that was only the start. The Park pack took him in and explained to him who he was, who his mother was, and how she had died. For Josh, a lot fell into place and he was resolved to join the pack now in the Castro and help finish the job she started, against the wishes of all of his relatives, particularly his father. He has proven a valuable member of the pack, despite his inexperience, and follows the orders of its leaders without question. He isn’t gay, so he’s been celibate since joining the pack, seeing it as a small sacrifice to make in his mother’s memory. In a way, which he’d never admit, he sees himself as something of a warrior-monk. He has proven remarkably adept at combat in the material world because of his martial arts training and gifts and has trained himself to be good at hiding in crowds.

Recent Events

After a falling out with the pack totem of the Rainbow Guard and a talk with Junior Keegan, he has joined the Silver Kings.

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