Tate Phelan

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Tate is married to Tess's niece, Michelle, and they have two children: John (14) and Amanda (12). She is Joshua's aunt, her sister Kim having been killed in the Castro War. He is a criminal defense attorney.


A tall, stern man with salt-and-pepper hair and close-cropped beard, blue eyes, and pale skin. He wears starched white shirts with silk ties in muted colors, dark slacks, and expensive shoes. We wears an expensive watch and his wedding ring.

Storytelling Hints

Victor is a driven, focused man who is skilled at getting what he wants out of life. When he was told to marry Janice, he did so in order to not lose access to the money and resources of his family. He has played the dutiful husband even though there is no love between them. What time he doesn't spend on his job, he spends enjoying his money boating (often with his brother-in-law Gary), driving, or attending sporting events. He loves his daughter and spoiled her rotten but is secretly terrified since she changed and somehow blames his wife for it, putting even more distance between them. He does as his family asks, but lately is starting to resent it and wonders if he needs them anymore.


  • Mental Attributes: Intelligence 3, Wits 3, Resolve 2
  • Physical Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2
  • Social Attributes: Presence 2, Manipulation 2, Composure 3
  • Mental Skills: Academic 1, Computer 2, Medicine (Emergency) 3, Occult 2, Politics 1, Science (Biology) 2.
  • Physical Skills: Athletics (Boating) 1, Drive 1, Firearms 1, Larceny 1.
  • Social Skills: Empathy 1, Expression 1, Intimidation 1, Persuasion 1, Socialize 1, Subterfuge 2.
  • Merits: Allies (St. Mary) 3, Contacts (Medical) 1, Resources 3, Status (Medical) 2.
  • Willpower: 5
  • Morality: 7
  • Virtue: Prudence
  • Vice: Greed
  • Health: 7
  • Initiative: 5
  • Defense: 2
  • Speed: 9


Dr. Victor McShane, Jr. was twenty and halfway through his undergraduate degree when his father died in the Castro War. He was the first of his siblings pressured into marriage, agreeing mostly because Hugh Keegan threatened to cut him off from the family funds, which he'd need for medical school. He married Janice, dutifully impregnated her, and they haven't slept together since. He finished medical school, did his residency in St. Mary's ER before taking a permanent position there. He's secretly had a number of casual affairs with nurses and female doctors, but nothing serious and he's always been incredibly discrete.

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