Session 19
From Gothpoodle
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Saturday, June 9, 2007 (Waning Half)
- Arrange meet with Reggie at Lee's mom's, get updates.
- Pack heads into country to shooting range, back to the city for lunch.
- Work on making places to conceal stuff at apartments and in cars.
- DeAndre re-awakens the Abuse Apartment and summons Angry Drunk to watch over it.
- Pack makes the rounds to top off their Essence.
- Socializing and fun.
Sunday, June 10, 2007 (Half)
- Sean back on patrol duty.
- DeAndre intimidates a theft gaffling in Twilight and names it Tyrone.
- Tyrone steals DeAndre's Bone Whistle and hides it in the Pork Store Dumpster.
- Pack runs into Summer, who is inspired to do free food in Buena Vista for homeless.
- Haight Street Fair from 11am to 5pm. DeAndre deploys parkside, Lee is the middle, and Christoval is at the Masonic end.
- Vandalism and Mugger with spirits of envy, fear, greed, hate, homelessness, theft, violence, and wrath harass fair-goers and war with the local ideologicals.
- Christoval discorporates Vandalism, saving Digger.
- Pack discorporates Mugger.
- Pack attacks Liberal Anxiety but are repelled, he retreats and his gafflings routed by frustrated Gauru.
- Lee calls Jeff to warn him of Liberal Anxiety's return to the Castro.
- (NPC) The Rainbow Guard seeks out Liberal Anxiety but does not find him (he's at the Underhill Nest.
- Amy Wu tries unsuccessfully to stab Summer.
- Pack spots Want and Hardcore Homeless and speaks with the latter.
June 11 - June 21, 2007
- DeAndre spreads tale of Lee's defeat of Tess to lodgemates.
- DeAndre plans defense on homicide charges using Sagacity.
- Lee works on art.
- Christoval business as usual.
Experience: 3/65