Sons of Remus

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The Setting Sun was formed when Madden's predecessor underwent First Change and was approached by the Servants of the Great Fire, who told him of his noble legacy. Rather than join them in their cause, however, his racist ideology led him to form his own pack, finding others like him of pure blood and race who underwent rebirth. Eventually, his efforts and research put him in touch with Ivory Claws who confirmed his beliefs and led him to Silver Wolf. When he was slain by the Caballeros Dolores, his newly-changed son took up leadership of the pack. The Setting Sun now focused its efforts on patrolling and expanding its territory and seeking more members of pure blood. They are engaged in a blood war with the Caballaros, but also find time to harry the Mist Walkers to their west and conduct raids into the territory of the Rainbow Guard, for whom they hold particular derision.


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