Category:Sons of Heaven

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This originally Beijing pack fled China in the aftermath of the civil war, spending several years in Taiwan before continuing on to San Francisco in the early 1970s. They come from a long line of well-renowned Uratha whose lineage can be traced back to the Mongol conquest. They are generally rather conservative and clannish, but required the help of the protectorate to get established and agreed to the marriage of one of their sons to a daughter of the Jin line, to cement the alliance. The children of the pack have generally spread out to the other Chinese communities in the Bay, particularly Silicon Valley and Oakland. The core that remains does so in order to be close to the seat of power in Chinatown. The pack’s alpha regularly meets with Grandfather Jiang in order to discuss the direction of the protectorate.

They claim the Sand Lot locus and have First Fog as their totem.

Heavenly Delights - son's restaurant

  • Sun Wang (Storm Lord Elodath Alpha, Lodge of the Endless Moon, Lodge of the Maelstrom)
  • Chen Zhang (Storm Lord Beta, Lodge of the Endless Moon, Lodge of Salvation) - Married to Lan and Ping Jin’s sister, Ju, former Ivory Claw, huge Asian man squeezed into an expensive suit, scarred, former tong member
  • Ron Li (Storm Lord Irraka, Lodge of the Endless Moon) - Sun’s daughter-in-law
  • Ai Li (Bone Shadow Itheaur Omega and Ritemaster, Lodge of the Endless Moon) - Ai Li (b. 1955, c. 1971) to Outer Sunset, married to Ron’s son, Sun's granddaughter-in-law

Endless Moon: Willpower 6, Glory 1, Wisdom 1, Purity 1, Honor 1 Salvation: Honor 2 or Purity 2, Harmony 6+; Rite of the Moon’s Veil 3, Rite of the Silver Scar 5

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