Marv Marble

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Fetch: Dead
Seeming: Ogre
Kith: Stonebones
Court: Moon
Entitlements: None
Virtue: Fortitude
Vice: Gluttony


Marv's a bouncer at Studio 54 at the MGM Grand and makes sure that members of his Court can get in so that they can access to the gate to Dark Side.


A big, lantern-jawed man with a flattop buzzcut carved out of marble and covered in small cracks, nicks, and scuffs. Dressed in a wife-beater t-shirt, jeans, and heavy boots. Smells strongly of beer and always seems like he's standing in the shadows.


Brown hair, brown eyes, worn and heavily lined skin.

Storytelling Hints

Gravelly voice, "that's a hell of a thing", friendly, stream-of-consciousness rambling, always smile.


  • Mental Attributes: Intelligence 1, Wits 2, Resolve 3
  • Physical Attributes: Strength 5 (pumpable), Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
  • Social Attributes: Presence 3, Manipulation 1, Composure 2 (no 10-again)
  • Mental Skills: Crafts (Automotive) 2, Medicine 1.
  • Physical Skills: Athletics (Tireless) 4, Brawl (Boxing) 5 (pumpable), Drive 1, Firearms 1, Stealth 1, Weaponry 1.
  • Social Skills: Empathy 1, Expression 1 (from Motley Oath), Intimidation (Physical Threats) 3 (pumpable, four dice from Willpower), Persuasion 2, Socialize 3, Streetwise 1.
  • Merits: Brawling Dodge 1, Broken Mirror (Milestone), Danger Sense (from Motley Oath), Fighting Style (Boxing) 5, Iron Stamina 3, Mantle 3.


  • Willpower: 5
  • Health: 8
  • Initiative: 5
  • Defense: 2 (3 versus Brawl)
  • Armor: 0 (once per day, 1 Glamour for: Wyrd Armor, -1 to Dexterity, -1 to Defense)
  • Speed: 13

Changeling Traits


  • Flaws: Hard of Hearing
  • Derangements: None
  • Frailties: None


Sap Gloves (1B, 12 dice).


Mortal Life

"K.O." Larry Liebowitz was a boxer whose heyday in the 70s had come to an end when he was approached by the mob to throw a fight in 1983. Running out of money due to a propensity for women, drinking, and gambling, he agreed. One of the people who lost money on the fight invoked the Devil, who came for Larry the next day, casting him in stone and using him to pay off a debt to Dionysis.


He remembers very little about his time in the wine god's gardens. He remembers fights, sex, a lot of drinking, and then a lot of stuff that just doesn't make any sense. He doesn't even remember how he escaped. His first memory is of the Bazaar with his dick in the blowjob tent. When he stumbled out into Las Vegas, it was 1995.

Changeling Life

The first Lost he met was Rooftop Charlie, owing to his exit on top of a building, and the comic book reading Beast dubbed him Marv, after the character in Sin City, which was appropriate since he had trouble recalling his real name. Eventually he was able to figure it out, with help from John Noir. He joined the Moon Court because Leo the Griff scared the hell out of him (he has nightmares about harpies occasionally and has a thing about birds). He tracked down his fetch and beat him to death for fucking his wife (whom the fetch had divorced five years previously), then took his life back and became a bouncer for Dame Anastasia, who took a liking to him. He's since joined into a motley with her. He's in love with Annie Axe, but won't admit it and thinks she isn't interested. He spends his spare time drinking, hanging out at the gym, and working on his car (a Pontiac Trans Am, because of Smokey and the Bandit).

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