Griffin House

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Rating: 17
Size: 5
Amenities: 5
Doors: 2
Wards: 5


Griffin house is a large palace surrounded by a low sandstone wall. The grounds are filled with wondrous gardens ripe with goblin fruit and filled with sculptures and statuary. The palace is made of shining white limestone with accents in gold and blue. The crest of Leo the Griff hangs above the entrance, a gold griffin rampant on a white field with a blue border. The numerous rooms of the interior are filled with hob servants, hobgoblin pets, and amenities. The house is always well-lit and the outside bathed in sunlight.


The gate in the wall leads to the Bazaar. A large exit in the entry hall opposite the front door leads to the Hall of Dawn and Dusk. An exit in the upper hallway containing the motley's bedrooms leads to Leo's house in Las Vegas. A door in Bast's library leads to her home.


The house is guarded by hobs dressed in the Griff's livery and the grounds are patrolled by tamed hedge lions that roar when intruders approach. The entire house is also cloaked by a shimmering mirage that makes it very difficult to find.


Leo the Griff, Mistress Sirocco, Saul Scales, Bast, Prince Toby

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