Leo the Griff

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Fetch: Dead
Seeming: Fairest
Kith: Draconic
Court: Day
Entitlements: None
Virtue: Justice
Vice: Pride

Day King

Leo has been the only Day King the city has known, having been instrumental in helping establish the freehold when the first large group of Lost arrived in the city not long after the war. He has many connections to the reform elements of the city going back to the 1940s and is constantly striving to mitigate the bad habits of its residents and visitors that attract the interest of the faeries of Sin City.


A powerfully built man with the head of a golden eagle and yellow fur covering his body. His hands are roughly human-like, except for the fur, but his feet are like lion's paws. His mantle is like a soft yellow glow that radiates from him. He wears expensive white suits with no shoes and carries himself with an air of authority. He has a strongly masculine smell.


Slightly less body hair, black, and bald with a hawk nose, striking gold eyes, and a remarkable physique.

Storytelling Hints

Speak with a low voice and be somewhat gruff. You are emotionally distant and dislike physical proximity.


  • Mental Attributes: Intelligence 2, Wits 3, Resolve 3
  • Physical Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
  • Social Attributes: Presence 4 (pumpable), Manipulation 2 (pumpable), Composure 3
  • Mental Skills: Computer 1, Investigation 2, Medicine 1, Occult 4, Politics (Las Vegas) 6 (from Motley Oath).
  • Physical Skills: Athletics 2, Brawl (Beak) 7 (1 Glamour to re-roll), Drive 1, Survival 1.
  • Social Skills: Animal Ken (Hedge Beasts) 1, Empathy 1, Intimidation (Implied Threats) 4, Persuasion 2 (pumpable), Socialize 1, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 1.
  • Merits: Brawling Dodge 1, Broken Mirror (Milestone), Contacts (City Government, Police) 2, Gentrified Bearing 4, Long of Days 2, Lethal Mein 2, Mantle 5, Resources 5 (from Motley Oath), Striking Looks 2.


  • Willpower: 6
  • Health: 8
  • Initiative: 6
  • Defense: 4 (+1 from Mantle 3)
  • Armor: 0
  • Speed: 12

Changeling Traits


  • Flaws: None
  • Derangements: None
  • Frailties: Can't abide the touch of silver (minor bane), must accept any challenge to combat (minor taboo).




Mortal Life

Leon Carr was born in California in 1915 and came to Nevada in 1930 as a young man looking for work as a laborer on the new Boulder Dam. He was clean living and religious, so found a job and quickly rose to a foreman position. His life was uneventful for the most part until 1935, when members of his crew convinced him to join them in Las Vegas to celebrate the completion of construction before they all went their separate ways. They spent the day gambling, drinking, and seeing shows until a gorgeous woman caught his eye. She lured him away from his compatriots and through an unmarked door into Sin City.


His new mistress had her strong, young charge chained and taken to her lands in Faerie, where she shaped him into a Griffin to serve as part of her honor guard. He would march beside or pull her carriage and tear to pieces those who tried to harm her, or just those people it amused her to see hurt. He sat by her throne and would execute any who offended her. He would fight other magnificent creatures in her garden for her amusement. In the end, he escaped out of sheer self-preservation, no longer able to bear the violence and bloodshed. He escaped on wings which would buckle and tear from his back as he reached Sin City and crawled back to the mortal world in 1941.

Changeling Life

His fetch had moved on when he returned, but he tracked it down and killed it with his own two hands to reclaim his life. He met other Lost during this quest and learned about what they were and how to combat those who had taken them. He returned to Las Vegas in 1945 after he realized the dangers of the place and established the freehold with Bloody Jim. He started out with little more than a hollow that he built with his own two hands but over the years he has accumulated a great deal of wealth through hard work and careful investment. These days, his wealth is self-perpetuating, allowing him to concentrate on his humanitarian efforts and governing the freehold. He has high standards for its members, being honestly concerned about the dangers of loss of Clarity, reckless pledging, exploitation of mortals, and substance abuse. Mistress Sirocco acts as his personal assistant, managing his affairs, but is also his bodyguard and second-in-command. Many treat them as a married couple, though there is no physical intimacy between them, merely trust. Saul Scales is his close friend and confidant and acts as the enforcer of his laws. Prince Toby is his adopted son and heir apparent. His affection for the boy is only expressed in an inability to perceive his faults. Bast is a member of his household but he doesn't fully trust her, though he finds her knowledge invaluable. He pities his counterpart Ophelia the Corpse Child and is genuinely concerned for her sanity and her effect on the members of her court. The Cannibal disgusts him and he finds John Noir the only member of the Night Court's leadership he can even remotely relate to. He has a fondness for the man that has on at least one occasion prompted an invite into the Sun Court. His fetch is long since dead

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