Street Art

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Greater Gaffling, Abstract Spirit, Ideological Choir


Street Art always appears as a cartoonish figure rendered graffiti style on a convenient surface.

Storytelling Hints

As a spirit of art without restrictions, Street Art has close ties to spirits like Counterculture and Angry Young Man on the wilder side of the brood and court. It is also a close ally of Art Car. It is unlikely to humor anyone speaking about rules of any sort, but will always help to encourage artistic expression.


  • Rank: 2
  • Attributes: Power 2, Finesse 3, Resistance 4
  • Willpower: 6
  • Essence: 15
  • Initiative: 7
  • Defense: 3
  • Speed: 15
  • Size: 5
  • Corpus: 9
  • Influences: Art 2.
  • Numina: Material Vision, Materialize, Rapture, Reaching, Telekinesis.
  • Bans: Street Art is trapped if someone draws a box around it.


Street Art was born of unconventional and often criminal artistic expression in the 70s and 80s, primarily graffiti but also street theater, guerrilla art, stencil art, wheatpasting, and performance art in public areas. It has a distinct ideological and rebellious underpinning and has never seen eye to eye with more conventional spirits of expression (except perhaps books).

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