Children of Olorun

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Sanctum: Momma Bamba's House

The second oldest cabal in the city, the Children of Bondye were originally a voodoo cult with an abolitionist agenda under Mary Pleasant, a Liberatore, and her husband J.J., a Bokor. With the death of her husband, his student Thomas Bell became her lover and co-leader of the cabal. It controlled two hallows, the former's boarding house and the latter's mansion. With the unexpected death of Thomas just before the turn of the century, the cabal lost control of his hallow to his widow, who was jealous of Mary's hold over him. His students opted to leave the cabal and formed Saturday's House in Colma, following the exodus of cemetaries. The Children continued to lose power and influence with her death in 1904 and the subsequent earthquake, which allowed the Chosen of Ti-Tsang to seize her hallow to replace their own, which went dormant during the disaster. The cabal was forced to merge with the remains of the Sin-Eaters in order to gain access to their hallow in the Mission District, where they have been ever since.

Since the 70s, the cabal has taken on a more Santeria bent under Momma Bamba. It still supports the poor and disenfranchised, through criminal means if necessary, and does much for the local community but has lost its broader ideological focus. One of the things the cabal does concern itself with is spiritual health and they have often worked together with the Caballeros Dolores to deal with spiritual blights and cases of possession.

The cabal's core legacies were originally the Liberatores and Bokor, but over the years they have changed to be the Scions of God and Clavicularius.


We, the Children of Olorun, are dedicated to bringing peace and security to our community, to assisting the poor and downtrodden, and to honoring the sacred rites of the Orisha. Let no Sleeper law deter the members of this cabal from performing their duties.

Members of Good Standing are required to observe the holy days of the Orisha.

Members of Good Standing must devote one day a week to the betterment of the community in which we live.

Members of Good Standing must abide by the tenets of the Barbary Compact.

No member of Good Standing may deny a request for aid from a member of the community, provided it is brought with the proper respect.

Members of Good Standing are accorded the protections, resources, and aid of the cabal.

Members of Poor Standing who wish to atone their transgressions must perform an act of atonement decided on by the members in Good Standing and which must serve the cabal's creed.

Let any betrayel of the Children bring down the wrath of the Orisha upon them, so they be cursed in all future endeavors until they have atoned for their sin.


  • Shango, cabal leader (Thyrsus Master of Spirit, Scion of God)
  • Ogun (Mastigos Adept of Mind, Clavicularius)
  • Jeggua (Obrimos Disciple of Spirit, Scion of God)
  • Oba (Thyrsus Disciple of Life)
  • Eleggua (Mastigos Apprentice of Mind)


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