Sun Wang

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Storm Lord Elodath Alpha (Lodge of the Endless Moon, Lodge of the Sacred Thread)

Known as "Sun of the Hatchet" he is Ron's father and Ai's father-in-law.



A tall, muscular Chinese man in his early 60s with long black hair in an intricate braid to his waist, brown eyes, and a number of small scars on his face and hands. He wears an expensive black suit with a red shirt, grey vest, and black tie. He has a red cord around his right wrist and an expensive watch on his other. He generally carries a hatchet concealed under his long black trenchcoat. He has a stern demeanor but is very soft spoken. He has a massive bite scar on his left side and several missing ribs, causing his chest to appear malformed when exposed.


A large black wolf with small scars on its face.

Storytelling Hints

Sun is a proud man who was raised to believe that he was of the caste of nobles within the Uratha with a duty to lead through strength. He sees members of the other tribes as those of lesser caste. He is slow to admit another's superiority, particularly if they aren't a Storm Lord, but isn't stupid. Martial strength isn't everything. He will bide his time to bring resources to bear if outmatched. He is in any conflict for the long haul.


  • Mental Attributes: Intelligence 3, Wits 4, Resolve 3.
  • Physical Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4.
  • Social Attributes: Presence 4, Manipulation 4, Composure 3.
  • Mental Skills: Academics 1, Computer 1, Investigation 4, Medicine 1, Occult 1, Politics (Criminal) 4.
  • Physical Skills: Athletics 2, Brawl 4, Drive 1, Firearms 2, Larceny 3, Stealth (Moving Silently*) 3, Weaponry (Hatchet) 4.
  • Social Skills: Empathy 1, Intimidation (Interrogation) 4, Persuasion 2, Socialize 1, Streetwise (Gangs) 4, Subterfuge 3.
  • Merits: Allies (Asian Street Gangs) 5, Contacts (Criminals) 1, Danger Sense 2, Iron Stamina 3, Languages (Cantonese, First Tongue, Khmer, Lao, Malay, Thai, Vietnamese) 5, Resources 4.
  • Primal Urge: 5
  • Willpower: 6
  • Harmony: 5
  • Virtue: Prudence
  • Vice: Pride
  • Health: 9
  • Initiative: 7
  • Defense: 4
  • Speed: 13
  • Essence: 14/2
  • Renown: Cunning 2, Glory 2, Honor 5, Purity 1, Wisdom 1.
  • Gift Lists: Alpha, Dominance, Evasion, Father Wolf, Half Moon, Insight, Judge's Moon, Mother Luna, Warding, Weather.
  • Gifts: (1) Loose Tongue, Scent Beneath the Surface, See the Spirit Brands, Sense Malice, Warning Growl; (2) Luna's Dictum, Sand in the Eyes, Snarl of Command; (3) Echo Dream, Technology Ward, Voice of Command; (4) Anticipation, Soul Read; (5) Savage Might, Thunderbolt.
  • Rituals: 2; Rites: All first-level rites in the main book, plus (2) Blessing of the Spirit Hunt, Call Human.
  • Fetishes: Bloodchiller 4, Sacred Thread (Reflexive; +2 to resist Death Rage and +1 to Renown when rolling to be recognized) 3.


Type Damage Hishu Dalu Gauru Urshul Urhan Shots Notes
Bite 2 (L) 13 12 10
Claw 1 (L) 12 11
Grapple 0 (B) 8 9 11 10 8
Hatchet 1 (L) 10 11
Glock 22 2 (L) 8 8 15+1 9 again


Came with his pack to the U.S. in 1970 and challenged Jiang's hold on Chinatown, took up with the Wah Ching gang and controlled crime in Chinatown through the 70s and 80s, operating out of Sunset. A brief cease-fire was reached in 1989 during the Castro War when his pack was decimated by a surprise Predator King attack. Forced by circumstances, he submitted to Jiang's rule and joined the Protectorate but was allowed to continue his criminal operations under the condition that the violence stop. He sold out the Wah Ching to the Wo Hop To triad and, after a brief war, settled in as a criminal businessman rather than a gang leader.


  • Honor 4: Brokered a cease-fire between his family and Jiang's in order to take part in the Castro War.
  • Honor 5: Led the remains of his pack to attack the retreating Predator Kings after the surprise attack on their locus, to prevent them from providing reinforcements to the Castro Fire-Touched. He was almost killed but refused to retreat before the Pure.
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