Adrian Dunka

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Father Adrian Dunka

Storytelling Hints

Adrian is arrogant and manipulative, but charismatic, and is driven by an underlying belief in destiny and his own place in it. Despite his dedication to his new predatory state, he hasn't had the opportunity yet to pursue his damnation and may turn out not to have the stomach for it, after all. So far, he and his cabal have only taken part in the string of vandalism as a means to getting in touch with their new morality. Others in his cabal may be more vicious, though.


  • Haven: Basement apartment in Lower Haight.
  • Family: Julian Coleman (grandsire), Judith Levine (sire).
  • Virtue: Faith
  • Vice: Pride
  • Humanity: 5 (Fixation)
  • Blood Potency: 1
  • Disciplines: Celerity 1, Obfuscate 2, Theban Sorcery 2
  • Rituals: (1) Blood Scourge, Vitae Reliquary.


  • Celerity: Spend one Vitae to subtract one from attacks, add one to Initiative, and double Speed for one turn.
  • Touch of Shadow (Obfuscate 1): Roll Wits + Larceny + Obfuscate to hide objects.
  • Mask of Tranquility (Obfuscate 2): Appears to be a normal mortal to all sense.
  • Blood Scourge: Spend one Willpower and Vitae and roll Intelligence + Academics + Theban Sorcery to create a blood whip which lasts one turn per success and does +1 damage.
  • Vitae Reliquary: Spend one Willpower and roll Intelligence + Academics + Theban Sorcery to make a receptacle to store one point of Vitae per success.


Adrian was a charismatic, strong-willed young man who was introduced to Satanism in college and found a platform for his personality and meaning in the universe. He felt destined to lead, to regather the church and become its next Anton LeVay. He wasn't getting very far but the sex and drugs kept his ego well-fed. Then he met Judith, crossing paths at an occult bookstore, and they began a torrid love affair. She was driven by an escape from the stress of her life and he was fascinated with her supernatural state and coveted it. He saw it as what he needed to make his aspirations come true and manipulated her into a situation where she Embraced him (1985), convinced he would join she and her sire in their work. Instead, he saw the Lancea Santcum as the best venue for what he wanted to do, but his perspective was much more radical.

Recent Events

When enough time had passed from the controversy of his Embrace, he gathered together the cream of the crop from his old circle of acquaintances and brought them into the curse. He's now very much weakened and having trouble keeping his minions under check. He is worried that one of them may try to usurp him, so is trying to mitigate their excesses while not pushing matters to a confrontation. The murder of a club-goer by one of his cabal members has put him in a difficult position.

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