D&D Next Setting

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  • Humans:
  • Elves: Large territories, solitary (single, mated pair, immediate family), magical, no large social structures but very in tune with territory
  • Dwarves: Community and family oriented, very monogamous, territorial, xenophobic, patrilineal
  • Halflings: Sexually promiscuous, non-territorial, no mating or static social structures, matrilineal, nomadic
  • Simians: Diamorphic, aggressive, territorial, polygynous, patrilineal
  • Humans:
  • Elves: Ven-like social animals whose kingdom is a hotbed of intrigues, passions, and betrayel. Lots of magic. Very mild sexual diamorphism, tend towards infidelity. (Chaotic)
  • Dwarves: Clannish, very monogamous, no real difference between males and females, patrilineal, family and community oriented, very loyal, territorial. (Lawful)
  • Halflings: Non-territorial, temporary settlements at best (nomadic), no mating, sexually promiscuous, matrilineal, moderate sexual diamorphism. (Chaotic)
  • Simians: Massive sexual diamorphism, polygynous, patrilineal, aggressive and territorial, kingdoms tend to be small and run by strong warlords. (Neutral)
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