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  • Memory Dreams: He dreams of the deeds he had to do to become part of the Nortenos, and the tattoo he earned. (Symbolism: Honor, manliness)
  • Recurring Dreams: There is something that he has to accomplish to keep his honor and to keep his oath to Mother Luna, but he can't remember what it is, so wanders helplessly. (Symbolism: Honor, helplessness)
  • Wish Fullfillment Dreams: He dreams of a time when he can come forward with his money and power and be admired as the beautiful godlike creature that he is. No hiding from cops and no fear of jail. Also - to father sons to carry on the bloodline. His sister is obviously not going to do it for any number of reasons. (His vanity feels that he should be seen and adored for who and what he is. He puts much more value on his looks even than I make out in RP. The children thing is the same thing. His bloodline is obviously superior. He should be spreading it and making sure it stays alive. I imagine he already has several bastards by several baby mommas.) (symbolism: vanity, vanity, vanity. Also - helplessness. He can't come out of the shadows. He can't be sure that he'll father even wolf-blooded.)
  • Nightmares: To let down Luna by fathering a ghostchild. To lose honor for his family. To be put in Jail for life, especially in solitary. (Helplessness, loss of honor, vanity (who will admire his beautiful self if he's locked in solitary.)



DeAndre regularly has dreams set in the solitary cells in a San Quintan, though rooms from other places he spends time in are often present in the structure. He'll sometimes have conversations with people he knows, dead or alive. He's almost alway in Dalu when he dreams.


Playing with his older brother, Charles in an Oakland Park when he was 6 (though in his mind's eye he's Dalu and nobody seems to take notice).

Wish Fulfillment

He's in a wood paneled corner office in an elaborate penthouse complex. The view is the same as Hugh's, though the interior makeup of the building is not. He's in Dalu, wearing a pin striped Armani suit and fetish diamond cufflinks. The decore in the office, and the rest of the penthouse, is decorated in a mix of tasteful and garish. Inlaid wood panels depict Father Wolf hunting his enemies. The hardwood floor in front of the desk is inlaid with a gold binding circle.

Renowned fetishes are frequently featured : Jhang's cane on a mantlepiece, a hammer capable of wounding The Big One in a glass case, a famed klave ax mounted on the wall, and so forth.

It's night, with a visible crescent moon out the window. One window overlooks the Haight, while another overlooks his former, Oakland territory, in defiance of geographic sense.

Prior to developing Lucid Dreaming, he office had a large projector television, but these days it's bereft of electronics. There's not a visible replacement lighting source; it's just lit.


Involved in an Oakland era gunfight with an Ashenga pack, he's injured by his own folly, when he steps in front of an oncoming car and is paralyzed. He watches the rest of his back killed in glorious fighting, unable to regenerate enough to move, then the move on to him and either execute him or leave him as not worth the trouble.

Recently, he's also had nightmares where Soulless Wolf tempts him.


Reoccurring Dreams

Lee has this dream about being a bird, and flying over the ocean, during a movie like moonlit sky. It's a calm, centering dream, almost completely quiet.. the sounds muted. You can hear and smell the ocean, and feel the wind. The dream always ends with her diving to catch a fish, and she wakes up just as she reaches for it. That dream she's had since she was small.

She has a dream about fucking Jess up against a wall (digitally.. she's not dreaming she's a man) while swat guys fight with her packmates.

Christoval, Lee, and Deandre are playing pool in an old timey pool hall, with an obligatory big fat black, old blues guy on a stool in the back. the music is very 'Crossroads'. It's in sepia. We're wearing a mix of old timey clothing and modern. Lee is wearing men's clothes. Gangster types come in, seem menacing from the bar, drinking martinis. The martinis are bright neon green. We ignore them, and keep playing our game.

Reoccuring memory dream

Taking a white girl in a closet at high school. This is actually remarkably vivid and tactile. She's a redhead, unsure of herself, hot as hell. Lee continues on despite weak 'changing her mind' noises on the part of the girl. She reaches under the girl's skirt, removes her panties, and fingers the girl into panting delerium, while burying her face in the girl's neck and hair. Then she lets her go abruptly, and leaves the girl in the closet alone. This is an important dream, deeply rooted in her vice. The closet is a broom closet, but looms... it is The Closet. Even though it's a memory, it's incredibly symbolic. Leaving her there by herself, taking charge of her own destiny, it's the verge of adulthood.

Reoccuring/Memory Dream/Nightmare

This is a flurry of images. She's clearly drowning, and out of control, gasping, reaching up, but up might be down, she can't tell which way is which, and she feels like she's being pulled under by -something-.. like a tentacle wrapped around her leg. This usually ends in a lot of waking up and thrashing, but since the lucid dreaming, she's been able to keep it at bay. <In real life, her brother rescued her from drowning in the bay. The complete loss of control stuck with her, a solution she found while in the army>

Memory Dreams

She often has dreams about Christmas as a kid. Just before being too heavily into gangs, they all enjoyed the best Christmas she can ever remember, though it is very muddled as it was when she was young. She has disjointed snippets of memory of lights, presents, laughing brother and mother, tinsel, Christmas songs (replaying over and over again), and the smell of cookies.

Dreams about gang violence, fights with other girls in school. There are a lot of fragment dreams about iraq. Bright, evil sun. Harsh smell of canvas, boredom.

Memory Dreams/Nightmares

She has a couple of dreams about the Beshilu and the Djinn she fought. The latter is actually half nightmare, half almost action movie. There's even a pounding soundtrack (kind of blade like) that goes with it. It's clear she had a great time with it, but that it was frightening. Lots of wind, lots of pain. In the Beshilu dream, it's dark and hard to see. Even though she can SEE in the dark, it's still dark, and hard to see, and painful, and confusing. Like the drowning dream, it's hard to get her bearings.


A vague, male form rapes her mother in another room loudly, while she and her brother huddle under a bed.

Tess and Lee grappling in the moonlight forever. Lee kisses Tess, and they have mighty forceful, grappling sex. Then Tess gives birth to a ghost child.

Wish Fulfillment Dreams

She and her brother, side by side, hunting spirits. Her brother is happy, and everything is too bright.

Big family reunion, all her aunts and uncles, and cousins (A huge family), in hawaii. It's plainly her brother's house, and he has three children running around. His wife is never in the frame.

Lee is beating the shit out of DeAndre. He keeps talking, objecting to how she's attacking him, or criticizing her technique, or making plans about how to attack back. She beats the crap out of him, but he is somehow still alpha at the end of it. (Half wish fulfillment, half nightmare)

Lee is in Iraq, but with a higher rank. She seems happier, more content and fulfilled. In her element, giving orders, leading raids. She almost seems taller, stronger. Cristoval is there, a little like Cage in "Lord of War", in a slick suit, selling her weapons, blase and super cool.

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