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  • Population: 4.9 million
  • Aspects: Very Stable, Free, Fifth Wave, City-State

When the province of Quebec separated from Canada in 2036, the city of Montreal went with it at first. However, many citizens were uncomfortable with this position, and agitated for a plebiscite to determine the city’s ultimate fate. In the end, the city chose neither continued union with Quebec nor a return to Canada. Instead, Montreal voted for the status of a “free city” with its own independent government and laws. At first, Quebec resisted this move and threatened to use force, but pressure from the United States and the rump Canadian state prevented violence. By 2041 Montreal had severed all political ties and was an independent city-state.

Today Montreal has a Fifth Wave standard of living and a booming economy. As an intermediary between the European Union and North America, the city has a considerable income from trans-shipment and other forms of foreign trade. The local banking, biotech, and electronics industries are also important. Montreal’s blend of Quebecois, Anglophone Canadian, and American traditions also makes it a major cultural center, with a vibrant artistic community and entertainment industry.

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