Palestinian Enclaves

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  • Population: 14 million
  • Aspects: Repressive, Third Wave

When the Caliphate brokered the final peace with Israel, it recognized that the Palestinian situation remained an intolerable breeding ground for violent radicalism. The Caliph therefore personally sponsored a massive investment program for the Enclaves, with extensive education and propaganda efforts in support. Funds poured in from the wealthier Arab states, with lesser (but significant) support from Europe, the United States, and even Israel. Numerous telepresence systems were installed, permitting Palestinians to earn acceptable incomes doing work in new installations all across the Caliphate. Massive engineering and biotech works were undertaken, to improve the land and water resources available to the Palestinians. The effect was to vastly improve the Palestinian standard of living – while also reducing Israeli economic control of the Enclaves.

Today, the Gaza Strip and West Bank regions are self-governing, under an elected council whose authority is jointly guaranteed by Israel and the Islamic Caliphate. The political situation remains imperfect. Palestinians look with natural envy at the lives of their wealthier neighbors. Outright unemployment remains high, and a significant proportion of the employed population still migrates physically to work in Egypt, Israel, or Jordan. Even among moderate Palestinians, there is almost universal sentiment for a renegotiation of the status of the enclaves. It is a measure of how far the situation has evolved that this movement has mostly been nonviolent in its methods. What radical Palestinian movements still use violence are regularly exploited by outside (mostly Egyptian and Iranian) forces, launching attacks on both Israeli “occupiers” and Caliphate “betrayers.”

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