Hotel California

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The hedge side of this brothel is open for business in the Town, serving hobgoblin and (some say) True Fae customers. It was named by Sweet Alice and it has stuck, much to the annoyance of Lady Scarlet.

Rating: 9
Size: 3
Amenities: 4
Doors: 1
Wards: 1


An opulent two-story Victorian. The first floor is mostly taken up by a spacious parlor, lushly decorated, with a variety of amenities. There is also a bathroom and a small private office in a back hall. The second floor contains four bedrooms with private bathrooms outfitted used by the residents for both work and personal use.


The main entrance leads to Sin City near the Gate of Lust. The back hall contains a door which leads to an office used by the Scarlet Women Escort Service and another door leading to the closet of a room at the Mirage which Lady Scarlet rents.


Small colorful snakes slither about the hollow, alerting the residents to intruders.


Lady Scarlet, Vivian Nix, Sweet Alice

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