Digital Dave

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Fetch: None
Seeming: Wizened
Kith: Oracle
Court: Sun
Entitlements: None
Virtue: Faith
Vice: Pride

Security Expert

Dave is the main provider of new identities for the Sun Court, which he produces through a mixture of magic, hacking, and research. He can manage a level one New Identity in a matter of minutes, a level two in a few days, but a level four takes weeks or even months.


Dave is incredibly non-descript. Medium length brown hair, average height, average build, brown eyes, and dressed in a plain dark gray suit. His mantle is barely a hint of light in a nimbus around him that's really only visible in the dark, like the glow from a monitor or TV screen. He is easy to ignore or overlook and his manner is flat, humorless, and non-aggressive.


The same as his mein, sans mantle.

Storytelling Hints

Never argue, show no emotion, never smile or make a joke, state facts rather than opinions.


  • Mental Attributes: Intelligence 6, Wits 2, Resolve 2
  • Physical Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 2 (9-again for 1 Glamour), Stamina 2
  • Social Attributes: Presence 2 (no 10-again), Manipulation 2, Composure 3
  • Mental Skills: Academics 1, Computer (Hacking) 5, Crafts (Forging) 3, Investigation 3, Science 2.
  • Physical Skills: Larceny (Security Systems) 3, Stealth (Crowds) 2.
  • Social Skills: Empathy 1, Expression 1, Persuasion 2, Socialize 1 (from Motley Oath), Subterfuge 3.
  • Merits: Arcadian Body 4, Contacts (Hackers) 1, Eidetic Memory 2, Encyclopedic Knowledge 4, Mantle 1, Resources 2 (from Motley Oath).


  • Willpower: 5
  • Health: 7
  • Initiative: 5
  • Defense: 2 (+Wyrd to Dodge for 1 Glamour)
  • Armor: 0
  • Speed: 9

Changeling Traits


  • Flaws: None
  • Derangements: None
  • Frailties: None




Mortal Life

David Marshall was a twenty-five year old IT professional living a normal life for a member of his generation. He wasn't married or in a serious relationship, his tastes tended towards the nerdy, and he spent too much time watching TV and playing computer games. He came to Las Vegas for a training seminar and ended up in the desert near Area 51 with some drunk co-workers to take a picture near the famous site. His companions ended up leaving him there as a joke, intending to come back in a few minutes to get him, but couldn't find him on their return. This was 1981.


Dave was abducted by the Grays and turned into a living computer, forced to process massive amounts of data endlessly for what seemed like an eternity. All vestiges of personality were subsumed by his work until he was forgot who he was. He would never have escaped if it weren't for Sam, who was able to break through to him and convince him to leave. Dave's now staggering intelligence (and attendant prescience) was pivotal in their escape. They returned to the world in 1991.

Changeling Life

Without a fetch, Dave was simply a missing person and was able to recover his identity on his return. Initially swamped by UFO enthusiasts, he finally found refuge with Jane Starchild, who understood him and helped him rebuild a new personality for himself. He is driven by pride in his work and abilities and his loyalty and belief in Starchild, who steers him in directions that benefit her. He is still friends with Sam, who is wary of Jane's influence over him, and who tries to get him to try things outside of the Starlight Casino.

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