Murderous Betrayal

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Greater Jaggling, Conceptual Spirit, Ideological Choir

Murderous Betrayal is a Maeltinet bound into Phillip Hellstrom's Bale Blade, buried at the Old Orchard.


An exaggerated shadow holding a long, curved knife.

Storytelling Hints

This spirit will willingly turn against any former ally in order to provoke bloodshed.


  • Rank: 4
  • Attributes: Power 10, Finesse 12, Resistance 8.
  • Willpower: 18
  • Essence: 25
  • Initiative: 20
  • Defense: 12
  • Speed: 32
  • Size: 6
  • Corpus: 14
  • Influences: Murder 4.
  • Numina: Chorus, Concealment, Damnation's Path, Final Strike, Harrow, Possession, Spirit Venom.
  • Ban:


Murderous Betrayal was born in the gold fields when partner killed partner and brother turned against brother. It came back to the city with the men bearing the fruits of their betrayal and there found a new bounty. Even as the Barbary Coast was tamed, it was drawn to murderous spouses, greedy business partners, and envious friends. It grew fat in the city for years until it came to the attention of Phillip Hellstrom when it fed from Jesus Zappetillo turning against his kin. After the Castro War, the fallen ritemaster called it up and forced it, through its Bale Hound gifts, to submit to entering a fetish. It has no specific enmity towards Phillip for this, it understands these betrayals. Moreover, it has become fascinated with Bale Hounds as a concept and would help any werewolf who wielded it to become one.

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