Abuse Apartment

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Locus and Wound

An apartment on the lower level of one of the buildings in the Hayes Valley South projects sits on the site of the Pink Palace and, prior to that, a house where city police and federal officers interrogated prisoners. The wound remains and the locus has transferred to settle on the door of the closest apartment. Its influence includes an area which contains part of apartment and the hall surrounding. It has been the site of several muggings, a rape, and one assault already and is generally empty due to its reputation, making it ideal for drug users, homeless, and other squatters. The Man used to control it, before he was consumed by the Dark Man.

The locus is now dormant.


  • Resonance: Violence
  • Power: 1
  • Material Object: The door to the apartment.


Common gafflings include Addiction, Crack, Death, Fear, Hate, Murder, Pain, Rape, Theft, Violence and Wrath.

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