Gay Pride

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Greater Gaffling, Conceptual Spirit, Emotional Choir

Gay Pride is the pack totem of the Rainbow Guard.


It appears as the stereotype of the flaming gay man or a drag queen.

Storytelling Hints

It has agreed to act as pack totem for the Rainbow Guard only grudgingly, unable to admit that the problems in the neighborhood are too large for it to handle itself, and only willing to accept help from those who abide by its strict ban.


  • Rank: 2
  • Attributes: Power 3, Finesse 3, Resistance 3.
  • Willpower: 6
  • Essence: 15
  • Initiative: 6
  • Defense: 3
  • Speed: 8
  • Size: 2
  • Corpus: 5
  • Influences: Homosexuality 1, Pride 1.
  • Numina: Final Strike, Material Vision, Mortal Mask, Wilds Sense.
  • Ban: Gay Pride must flee from a burning rainbow flag.

Pack Totem

  • Bonuses: Persuasion Specialty (Advocacy), +5 Willpower/story
  • Ban: Gay Pride prohibits its children from taking part in heterosexual relations and from hiding their homosexuality.
  • Cost: 12


Gay Pride is the embodiment of the Castro and its ideal. It gifts its children with a knack for advocacy and will to succeed.

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