Freedom Foundation

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The roots of the Freedom Foundation actually lead to the Children of Bondye, the voodoo cabal who focused much of their effort on abolitionism in the latter part of the 19th century. With the death of Mary Pleasant in 1904 and subsequent hard times, the cabal focused less on these larger issues and more on their own survival and local threats. As such, the last member of the Liberatore legacy left the cabal in the 30s and moved to Oakland to establish the Foundation. The cabal broadened its focus to include the rights of immigrants (particularly Asian and, later, Hispanic) as well as a more general concern for the plight of the economically disadvantaged. Close ties to Communists hurt them during the 50s, but the radicalization of Berkeley gave them a new foothold and they have flourished every since

In the past five years, however, they have lost two members to the Banisher cabal known as the Repentant Ones and have become increasingly paranoid and withdrawn as a result.

The core legacy of the cabal is the Liberatores.



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