From Gothpoodle
Sandmen (Seers of the Throne) Seers of the Throne, based out of San Francisco. Continuation of a cabal here since the Gold Rush, emphasis on removing evidence of the supernatural and occult. Theme: Suppression, control, and manipulation. Oblations: Rote Specialties: Investigation, Occult, Persuasion Sanctum: Office in the top floor of the Transamerica Pyramid (Size 2, Security 5) Hallow: Control (4, Noon) Demesne: Office (2, Mastigos, Acanthus) Library: Forensics, Psychology, Media, Medicine, Occult (5)
- Melissa Chen (Mastigos)
- Dorthea Cross (Obrimos)
- Peter Li (Moros)
- Edward Tanenbaum (Thyrsus)
- Benjamin Little (Acanthus)