Basiran Dancer

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125 Points 99

  • Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 10 [0].
  • Secondary Characteristics:
  • Advantages: Appearance (Attractive) [4]; Fit [5]; and 30 points chosen from Charisma 1 [5], Combat Reflexes [15], Enhanced Block (Cloak) [5], Fashion Sense [5], increasing Fit [5] to Very Fit [15], Perfect Balance [15], and Social Chameleon [5].
  • Disadvantages:
  • Primary Skills: Cloak (A) DX [8]-14, Dancing (A) DX [8]-14
  • Secondary Skills: Savior-Faire (High Society) (E) IQ [4]-12.
  • Background Skills:

Job Description

  • Prerequisites:
  • Job Roll:
  • Monthly Pay:
  • Wealth Level:

Smooth Operator 15/level (Acting, Carousing, Detect Lies, Diplomacy, Savior-Faire, Sex Appeal)

Acrobatics (H) DX, Acting (A) IQ, Body Language (A) Per, Carousing (E) HT, Connoisseur (Dance) (A) IQ, Current Affairs (High Culture) (E) IQ, Detect Lies (H) Per, Diplomacy (H) IQ, Captivate (H) Will, Persuade (H) Will, Suggest (H) Will, Sway Emotions (H) Will, Escape (H) DX, Fast-Draw (Sword) (E) DX, Group Performance (Choreography) (A) IQ, Gesture (E) IQ, Holdout (A) IQ, Judo (H) DX, Rapier (A) DX, Main-Gauche (A) DX, Savior-Faire (High Society) (E) IQ, Sex Appeal (A) HT, Sleight of Hand (H) DX, Stealth (A) DX.

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