Alien Contact

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Belief in extraterrestrial visitations and alien abductions was sustained by the discovery in 2013 of a habitable planet around 61 Virginis. Continued reports of alien abductions trailed off somewhat in the mid-21st century as humans visited (via telepresence) and colonized other worlds, discrediting memes like “the Face on Mars” and the falsification of the Apollo program.

Following the Pacific War, a new wave of “UFO sightings” and abduction reports began on Mars and later spread to Earth. These centered on the concept that aliens were uploading humans and beaming them to 61 Virginis. A colony of humans, Virginia, has apparently existed there since around 1950, where it will keep mankind safe if destroyed, either by our own hubris or by alien enemies of the Virginians. Tsiolkovsky Farside Observatory was actually a laser transmitter intended to facilitate this operation, but the transmission station has since been removed and is now located on Triton or possibly Pluto.

The discovery of black holes in the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud is believed to be connected to the Virginis aliens. The mini-black hole found on Shezbeth was most likely the power core of a hybrid human-alien space station or spacecraft, possibly placed here to defend Earth from other aliens. For the last few decades, the Virginians have provided their human partners with mini-black hole power plants, in payment for the human beings sent out to the stars. The spacecraft lost on Shezbeth was actually human-piloted. Multiple layers of government conspiracies were involved: the Pacific War was a cover for the destruction of Muldoon’s observatory just after she discovered the first black hole, to give them time to remove the actual station. Muldoon was allowed to find the Shezbeth object itself, since she had already detected it. Hawking Industries now works for the Virginians. This is all part of a plan to prepare us for future intervention.

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