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Revision as of 03:05, 6 May 2012 by Ecb (Talk | contribs)
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Sun May 6 2012

Starts at Tolliver's house. Tolliver, Eva, Maddy (very upset), and Bo are on the roof, watching the falling angels. Daisy is in Tolliver's bed, resting from her fight with the loup-garou and waiting for Jed to return with her pain meds. Maggie is in the room with her. Bob, after seeing the angels falling, left to go to Evelyn.

  • Eva puts Maddy to bed in the guest room.
  • Eva sends Laelaps to fetch and angel.
  • Tolliver builds an angel cage.
  • Bo gets a call that the loup-garou was named Alan Geroux and was wanted for kidnapping his son.
  • Jed comes back with the drugs and Bo tells Daisy about the call.
  • Steve and Evelyn return, Steve tells them about Hunter, Daisy sends Evelyn to go get Eva.
  • Tolliver scries on Laelaps fighting the fallen angel.
  • Steve fills them in on the case.
  • Bo leaves to check for kids with the police and hospitals.
  • Steve and Evelyn goes to watch the angels fall.
  • Eva makes Daisy something for her pain, since the meds won't allow breastfeeding.
  • Jed looks after Maggie while Daisy tries to get some sleep, takes her to the nursery.
  • Eva calls Laelaps back before he is killed.
  • Tolliver and Eva track the son's magical signature using the father's blood, but only get a vague sense for a neighborhood (Hunter's Point).
  • Laelaps is badly injured, Eva makes him something for healing.
  • Daisy, Eva, and Tolliver discuss what to do.
  • Bo calls Steve to tell him that he's been dispatched to the airport to pick up Hunter.
  • Tolliver asks Steve to call Roycroft to request a meeting, they agree on the crab shack.
  • Eva heads out veiled, Jed drives her out to Hunter's Point.
  • Tolliver and Daisy argue about who goes to see Hunter, not noticing Eva's left until she's long gone, both leave with Bob.
  • Jed and Eva search for hours, finding the plo


  • Sun May 20: Annular solar eclipse (85%) - red moon - start 5:15pm, max 6:32pm, end 7:40pm
    • Nostradamus IX-83: The sun in twenty degrees of Taurus, there will be a great earthquake; the great theater full up will be ruined. Darkness and trouble in the air, on sky and land, when the infidel calls upon God and the Saints.
    • Revelations 6:12: And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood"
  • Tue Jun 5: Transit of Venus in progress at sunset


  • Oliver (Apr 30 2011) (1 year, cruising, waves goodbye, babbles two or three words)
  • Tolly (Oct 5 2011) (7 months, sits up, "dada", shy of strangers)
  • Maggie (Dec 25 2011) (4 months, everything in mouth, smile, squeal of delight)
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