Mountain People
From Gothpoodle
Gorilla/Chimp: High sexual dimorphism: females 4'7" 220lbs; males 6'3", 500lbs. Male hair turns from black to silver-gray on maturity, brown eyes, drum when aggressive, females only fertile when food abundant.
Short, single syllable, barking sound.
- Hunter-gatherer bands based around patriarchal family, male and his females central, son-as-successor, fight over mating rights and territory, omnivorous (tending carnivorous) and constantly hunting and foraging to maintain bulk, cannibalism and rape common. Rely heavily on dominant male for protection, decision making, and hunting.
- Tribal villages based around patriarchal clans, some limited agriculture and raising pigs and buffalo, settlements in fertile mountain valleys.
- Chiefdoms based around hereditary patriarch, tribute and luxury goods, slavery, religion justifies ruler, centralized justice and ownership. (Just started.)