Tellene Races

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Revision as of 04:48, 20 March 2011 by Ecb (Talk | contribs)
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Special Features

  • Elves may take the Nature power skill.
  • Elves may take the Eagle Eyes and Enhanced Hearing stunts.

Racial Aspects

  • Otherworldly
  • Forest-Friend
  • Long-Lived

Racial Stunts

  • Elf Sight: You can see in near total darkness and get a +1 to vision-related skill checks.
  • Elven Lore: You get a +1 to knowledge skill checks for ancient history and legend.


Special Features

  • Dwarves often have high levels of the Artificer skill.

Racial Aspects

  • At Home Underground
  • Lover of the Treasures of the Earth
  • Taciturn

Racial Stunts

  • Darkvision: You can see in total darkness.
  • Stonework: You get a +2 to skill checks involving any sort of stonework, mining, finding your way underground, etc.


Special Features

  • Hobgoblins generally have a rating in Melee Weapons and Ranged Weapons from childhood training.

Racial Aspects

  • Strength and Honor
    • Invoke: the character is proving its strength over another.
    • Compel: the character is unwilling to accept an unfair advantage.
  • Born in Darkness
  • Trained for War

Racial Stunts

  • Darkvision: You can see in total darkness.
  • Military Mind: You get a +2 to skill checks involving military tactics or strategy.


Special Features

  • Orcs often have a high rating in Might.
  • Orcs may take the Heightened Smell stunt.

Racial Aspects

  • Strength in Numbers
    • Invoke: the character is ferocious when attacking with a group of allies.
    • Compel: the character is a coward when facing a threat alone.
  • Born in Darkness
  • Only Tool is Violence

Racial Stunts

  • Darkvision: You can see in total darkness.

LoA Kingdoms of Kalamar

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