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Predator King Alpha (Lodge of Night's Fear)

The Warlord is leader of the Mountain-Walkers Confederation.




Storytelling Hints


  • Mental Attributes: Intelligence 3, Wits 6, Resolve 4.
  • Physical Attributes: Strength 6, Dexterity 6, Stamina 6.
  • Social Attributes: Presence 6, Manipulation 4, Composure 4.
  • Mental Skills: Crafts 3, Investigation 5, Medicine 2, Occult 6, Politics 4.
  • Physical Skills: Athletics 5, Brawl (Claws) 6, Stealth 5, Survival (Tracking) 5, Weaponry (Hammer) 6.
  • Social Skills: Animal Ken 4, Empathy 2, Expression 3, Intimidation 6, Persuasion 5, Socialize 1, Subterfuge 2.
  • Merits:
  • Primal Urge: 9
  • Willpower: 8
  • Harmony: 4 (-1 Social rolls with spirits)
  • Ban: Compelled to take trophies of his vanquished foes.
  • Virtue: Prudence
  • Vice: Envy
  • Health: 11
  • Initiative: 10
  • Defense: 6 (7 with spear)
  • Speed: 17
  • Essence: 50/10 (-4 Social rolls with humans, 1 Essence drain every 8 hours)
  • Renown: Cunning 4, Glory 5, Honor 3, Purity 4, Wisdom 3.
  • Gift Lists: Father Wolf, Mother Luna, Nature, Predator, Rage, Savagery, Strength.
  • Gifts: (1) Bestial Fellowship, Find Conflict, Mask of Rage, Partial Change, Predator's Presence, Speak with Beasts; (2) Anybeast, Father Wolf's Speed, Hone Rage, Hunter's Fortitude, Notice Defeat, Unending Fury; (3) Challenger's Instinct, Forest Communion, Leech Rage, Primal Howl, Savage Hunt, Whispers on the Wind; (4) Beast Ride, Echoes of Opposing Brilliance, Human Health, Rekindled Rage, Savage Rending; (5) Nature's Vengeance, Savage Might, Shared Battle Mind, Soured Rage.
  • Rituals: 5; Rites: All first through fifth-level rites in the main book, plus: (1) Taste of the Ancestors; (3) Rite of the Found; (4) Rite of Purity, Offering of Blood and Silver.
  • Fetishes: Face of Blood (Talen; Instant; spirits in Hisil get -1 to attack rolls until sunrise), Breath of Agony (Reflexive; roll Strength + Athletics attack that does three Bashing but doubles wound penalties for three turns) 1, Chargebreaker (Instant; short out an electrical device within sight once a week) 1, Soulsoother (Instant; treat Harmony as 8 for purposes of activating fetishes for the scene) 3, Parasite Shard (Reflexive; burrows into target, who has a single turn to do a Strength + Athletics roll needing an extraordinary success to remove it, and starves them for 10 - Stamina days, then pushes out for two more Lethal) 4, Sequoia's Spear (Instant; when thrust into the ground, if user stays within 10 years, he gains +1 Strength, +1 Size, and +1 Composure) 4, Decay Tattoos (Reflexive; deal aggravated damage to human-made objects or their spirits, ignoring Durability) 5, Alphaskin (Reflexive; gain boosts to forms for one minute per success, but at -1 to degeneration rolls) 5, Bane of Power (Reflexive; doubles its damage rating versus supernaturals for the scene, drains places of power if it kills a supernatural within one) 5.


  • Dalu: +1 Strength
  • Gauru: +2 Strength
  • Urshul: +1 Strength, +1 Size, +1 Speed, +1 Health
  • Urhan: +1 Strength, +1 Size, +2 Speed, +1 Health


  • Father Wolf's Gifts
    • Father Wolf's Speed: Spend one Essence reflexively to double Speed for the scene.
    • Primal Howl: Spend one Essence and roll Presence + Expression + Purity (13 dice) versus Composure to induce Lunacy in everyone within 90 yards.
    • Savage Rending: Spend one Essence reflexively to do aggravated damage for the scene with claws and bite.
  • Mother Luna's Gifts
    • Anybeast: Spend one Essence to appear as another predator for the scene.
  • Nature Gifts:
    • Speak with Beasts: Reflexively roll Manipulation + Animal Ken + Purity (12 dice) to speak with animals for one minute.
    • Forest Communion: Spend one Essence and roll Manipulation + Survival + Cunning (13 dice) to sense goings on within 500 yards plus 100 per success.
    • Beast Ride: Spend one Essence and roll Wits + Animal Ken + Wisdom (13 dice) - animal's Resolve to ride an animal's sense for one hour per success.
    • Nature's Vengeance: Spend one Essence and roll Intelligence + Survival + Glory (13 dice) to animate 25 square yard of vegetation to cause -2 Speed, -1 to actions, and inflict one to three Bashing per turn for the scene.
  • Predator Gifts
    • Bestial Fellowship: Spend one Essence reflexively to get +4 to Animal Ken rolls with predators until the moon next rises or sets.
    • Hunter's Fortitude: Spend one Essence and roll Stamina + Survival + Honor (14 dice) to remain focused on the hunt for three hours per success without need for food, water, or sleep.
    • Savage Hunt: Spend three Essence and one Willpower and roll Dexterity + Athletics + Purity (15 dice) to mark prety, giving +1 to track or find them and doing aggravated damage with tooth and claw until the next moon rises or sets.
  • Rage Gifts
    • Mask of Rage: Spend one Essence to induce Lunacy for the scene.
    • Hone Rage: Spend one Essence and roll Stamina + Survival + Purity (15 dice) to sacrifice a round of Gauru to boost Strength or Dexterity while in Gauru.
    • Leach Rage: Spend one Essence and roll Presence + Empathy + Cunning (12 dice) - subject's Composure to enter Gauru and steal one round per success from the target in Gauru.
    • Rekindled Rage: Spend one Willpower and roll Stamina + Expression + Glory (14 dice) to be allowed to enter Gauru a second time for two less turns than the first time.
    • Soured Rage: Spend one Essence and roll Manipulation + Intimidation + Purity (14 dice) versus Composure + Primal Urge to force a target in Gauru into flight Death Rage for the scene.
  • Savagery Gifts
    • Predator's Presence: Spend one Willpower and roll Presence + Intimidation + Purity (16 dice) to impose their Primal Urge Social penalty on nearby humans (EX: -1).
    • Unending Fury: Spend one Essence reflexively to ignore the flight reflex in Death Rage.
    • Challenger's Instinct: Spend one Essence reflexively and roll Wits + Investigation + Cunning (15 dice) analyze the Rage of an Uratha in Gauru (EX: +1 Brawl and +1 Defense versus target).
  • Strength Gifts
    • Savage Might: Spend one Essence for every three added to Strength for the turn.
  • War Gifts
    • Find Conflict: Roll Composure + Investigation + Cunning (13 dice) to become aware of the fiercest conflict within one mile, plus one per success. (EX: numbers on each side)
    • Notice Defeat: Spend one Willpower reflexively and roll Wits + Empathy + Wisdom (11 dice) to learn about units in trouble. He knows instinctively that someone is, the Willpower and roll are for details.
    • Whispers on the Wind: Spend one Essence to have his words carry up to three miles to people he commands. Targets hear the words a minute later.
    • Echoes of Opposing Brilliance: Spend one Essence and roll Wits + Investigation + Wisdom (14 dice) to hear words spoken by enemy commanders, giving a +2 (EX: +3) on tactical rolls.
    • Shared Battle Mind: Spend two Essence and roll Presence + Socialize + Purity (11 dice) in an extended roll (5 success + 1 per werewolf affected, one minute per roll) to give those under him an instinctive sense for his desires.
  • Wolfslayer Gifts
    • Human Health: Spend one Essence and roll Wits + Medicine + Purity (12 dice) versus Composure + Primal Urge to force an Uratha to heal like a human for an hour (EX: day), only able to spend Essence to heal Bashing damage (unless EX).


Type Damage Hishu Dalu Gauru Urshul Urhan Shots Notes
Bite 2 (L) 17 16 14
Claw 1 (L) 17 16
Grapple 0 (B) 12 13 15 14 12
Spear 3 (L) 15 16 +1 Defense
Hammer 4 (B) 17 18 20
Hammer (against supernaturals) 8 (B) 21 22 24


Type Damage Hishu Dalu Gauru Urshul Urhan Shots Notes
Bite 2 (L) 19 17 15
Claw 1 (L) 19 17
Grapple 0 (B) 12 14 17 15 13
Spear 3 (L) 15 17 +1 Defense
Hammer 4 (B) 17 19 22
Hammer (against supernaturals) 8 (B) 21 23 26



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