DeAndre Pruitt

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Blood Talon Itheaur Beta (Lodge of the Storm's Eye, Lodge of Silence)

DeAndre ("Spook") is a PC played by Voldemort.



5’9”, dark skinned, angular features, clean shaven. He favors brand name pullover sweatshirts and sunglasses.


A lean, sleek, hungry black wolf.


  • A large, crescent shaped scar running the length of his upper, inner left arm from falling through a window during his First Change.
  • Initiation Scar: A crude five-line glyph over his heart, representing a stylized spider.
  • Claw scars on his torso.
  • Bullet scar in upper arm from Adam Hellstrom.
  • Claw scars on his torso from Walter Turnbull.
  • Beshilu claw mark along top of skull from San Francisco Armory fight.

Roleplaying Hints


  • Mental Attributes: Intelligence 2, Wits 4, Resolve 3
  • Physical Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3
  • Social Attributes: Presence 2, Manipulation 2, Composure 3
  • Mental Skills: Investigation 2, Medicine 1, Occult (Bans) 4.
  • Physical Skills: Athletics 2, Brawl (Boxing, Bite) 3, Drive 1, Firearms (Point Blank) 3, Survival (Shapechanging) 2, Weaponry 1.
  • Social Skills: Intimidation (Implied Threats) 3, Persuasion 1, Socialize 1, Streetwise (Drugs) 3, Subterfuge (Authority Figures) 2.
  • Merits: Contacts (Drug Gafflings, Lodge of Silence) 2, Fast Reflexes 2, Fighting Style (Boxing) 3, Fighting Style (Combat Marksmanship) 3, Languages (First Tongue) 1, Lucid Dreaming 2, Resources 2.
  • Primal Urge: 2
  • Willpower: 6
  • Harmony: 6
  • Virtue: Faith
  • Vice: Greed
  • Health: 8
  • Initiative: 9
  • Defense: 4
  • Speed: 11
  • Renown: Cunning 2, Glory 2, Purity 1, Wisdom 4.
  • Gifts: (1) Crushing Blow, Partial Change, Two-World Eyes, Wolf-Blood's Lure; (2) Anybeast, Father Wolf's Speed, Read Spirit; (3) Technology Ward; (4) Skin-Stealing.
  • Rituals: 4; Rites: (1) Banish Human, Funeral Rite, Rite of Dedication, Shared Scent, Spirit Brand; (2) Banish Spirit, Blessing of the Spirit Hunt, Call Gaffling, Cleansed Blood, Fortify the Border Marches, Rite of Contrition, Rouse the Fetish; (3) Bind Human, Bind Spirit, Call Jaggling, Rite of Healing, Sacred Hunt, Shackle Spirit, Wake the Spirit; (4) Fetish Rite, Rite of Chosen Ground.
  • Fetishes: Bone Whistle (Instant; makes ephemeral beings visible) 4, Condor Idol 2, Cracka-Slaya 3.


Date of Birth: May 1, 1981

Family and Early Childhood

DeAndre is the son of Khandi Pruitt and Charles Russell, an unmarried couple in a long term relationship. Both parents were wolfblooded. He’s the youngest of four siblings: Charles (b. 1976), Antoin (b. 1978) and Lillian (b. 1979). His maternal grandmother, Tanya Pruitt was a conservative Elodoth Bone Shadow from an East Oakland pack. In keeping with Tanya’s interpretation of the Oath, the family was raised unaware of its Uratha nature, but with a strong sense of in-group loyalty and familial exceptionalism. Family lore was full of tales of conjuremen, fighters and gamblers. Tanya was the often distant heart of the family, and kept it through DeAndre’s early childhood. She checked Khandi’s nascent heroin dependency through violent physical discipline, kept the children studious and made certain the family was fed through difficult times. Charles supported the family through drug sales for DeAndre’s first several years, until he was sentenced to 15 years for possession in 1986. Tanya disappeared in 1991 (lost in Hisil, DeAndre would later learn), when DeAndre was ten, and the family unit began to crumble. Khandi developed a strong heroin addiction, and the elder siblings took to supporting the younger ones as best they could. Khandi spent the early 1990s in and out of prison, during which time her children were nominally fostered by an aunt. Without a strong adult influence, DeAndre drifted toward athletics and personal violence, which he excelled in without effort. He stopped attending school regularly at 12 and frequently worked as a lookout and delivery boy for local drug gangs. He saw a friend shot in the head at 14, after which he developed an extremely detached affect.


DeAndre was big for his age which, combined with his wolf’s blood, his perpetually distant gaze, and his family’s reputation, earned him inclusion among the older gangsters. He regularly began participating in retaliatory beatings and intimidation visits in his 14th year and, when he was 15, participated in the murder of a witness. He spent six months in the juvenile justice system for a possession charge the same year. Upon his release he was given a corner to run and rose, relatively quickly to a mid-level lieutenant in the gang (Ridgemont Ryders). His upbringing left him with an offhanded and habitual loyalty and, by the time he was 18, he regularly made trips down state and across the Mexican border to pick up large quantities of drugs. He lived relatively well during this period, proving a comfortable lifestyle for his mother and keeping an expensive car and two residences. He participated in three other homicides during this period: two drive-by shootings of rivals and one personal hit in a nightclub parking lot. He was suspected of the latter, but never charged.

First Change

DeAndre first changed on July 16, 2001. The event was preceded by a week of harrowing by an aggressive spirit of Broken Places, wherein grin-like cracks appearing in every glass surface he was left alone with. The day before he actually changed, he was compelled to thrust his arm through a house window, cutting it severely and nearly bleeding to death. He has a large, crescent shaped scar running the length of upper, inner left arm from falling through a window during this period. He was initiated before Fenris in December, 2001, hunting down and shooting an elderly Azlu that had taken up residence in an East Oakland home. He bloodied his claws cutting a crude five-line glyph over his heart, representing a stylized spider.

Uratha Life

Within six months of his first change, he was initiated into the Blood Talons and helped found a new pack of similarly tempered tribemates, the East Side Underdogz. The Dogz operated as an aggressively expansive criminal conspiracy, using their advantages as Uratha to claim trafficking territory in their first year together and using the substantial financial and human resources they accumulated thorough their criminal activity to expand into larger and more desirable Uratha territory. It’s easy for a reasonably careful, well-organized pack of Uratha to take control of a segment of the American drug trade, and the resources that makes available can make even a young pack relatively competitive with their betters. The Dogz expanded for two years, making great strides in renown and local status until they a federal drug investigation ended with one DEA agent and one Blood Talon dead, and the four surviving members of the pack indicted. The pack splintered, unable to meet their ritual obligation to their totem. The majority of the physical evidence used in the federal case was obtained with DeAndre was in Mexico and he got off the easiest of the lot, being sentenced to three years state time for ordering an act of witness intimidation over a bugged cell-phone. One of his pack has been killed on the inside by the Lodge of Silence, and the rest remain in federal prison. He served three years in San Quentin for working his way into the Lodge of Silence, studying under another incarcerated rite master, and developing a rigid sense of self control. Since his release in December, 2006, he has been residing in San Francisco, subsisting on the largess of contacts made through the lodge and teaching younger Uratha.


  • Wisdom 1: Auspice.
  • Wisdom 2: Obtained fostering an intelligence network of gafflings in the drug choir within his former territory.
  • Wisdom 3: Obtained for lulling the spirit of the execution chamber back to slumber during the execution of Stanley Tookie Williams.
  • Cunning 1: Obtained for discretely gathering intelligence on rival Oakland packs during the Dogz expansion.
  • Cunning 2: Obtained for discretely murdering a duguthim trustee and Nortenos member in San Quentin without implicating himself or starting a conflict.
  • Glory 1: Rite of Initiation: Accrued through the battle with the Azlu in his rite of initiation.
  • Glory 2: Accrued during various battles with a neighboring pure pack during his time with the Dogz.

Storyteller Notes

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