Spiritual Switchboard Collective

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Revision as of 19:56, 29 January 2006 by Ecb (Talk | contribs)
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Spiritual Switchboard Coalition Transhumanist, based out of an abandoned Nike missle base on Mount Sutro. Newest cabal, formed in the 1990s from members of AMORC and now hosting a rivalry with the San Jose cabal over mystical influence in Silicon Valley. Theme: Transcendence through technology. Oblations: Web surfing, interfacing with technology, studying science. Rote Specialties: Computer, Expression, Science Sanctum: Abandoned missle silo (Size 2, Security 5) Hallow: Transformation (1, Midnight) Demesne: Main lab (1, Mastigos) Library: Computers, Security, Medicine, Cutting Edge Technology (4)

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