Don Aguirre

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Storm Lord Rahu Alpha (Brotherhood of the Crossed Swords)

Pascual is Christoval's uncle by marriage.



A tall, lean Hispanic man in his late 50s with short black hair and moustache, dark eyes, light skin, and strong, masculine features. There is a large tattoo of a boar’s head (Mask of Life fetish) on his chest. He isn’t particularly attractive but has remarkable charisma and a sort of aristocratic grace. He is soft-spoken, unerringly polite (he never swears), and has a streak of chivalry with regards to women (which annoys his daughter somewhat). He wears a starched white shirt with string tie, three-quarter-length black leather jacket, expensive jeans, and cowboy boots. He generally doesn’t carry his family’s heirloom sword except when going into battle. It is a Spanish-style cavalry sabre.


A tan-colored wolf with black feet and muzzle. With Anybeast, he looks like a fawn-colored Spanish mastiff.

Storytelling Hints

Pascual was matured a lot from his wild and reckless youth, becoming a responsible man with a firm sense of duty. In many respects, he is still in awe of his father and is merely attempting to do right by his memory. His politeness and formality take a bit of edge off his serious and often scary demeanor, but he is, underneath it all, a generous and considerate man who considers the violence associated with his human affairs no different from that of his Uratha duties: necessary, often unfortunate, and best executed with efficiency and professionalism. He is very close to Alejandro, whom he respects greatly and will always consult before making important decisions. He is a bit cooler towards Teresa, whose abilities he respects but who, personally, he’s never really warmed to. He is fond of the brothers, whom he treats as sons, and his daughter, whom he loves intensely because of his ability to finally connect with her. He isn’t sure what to make of Lidia yet, leaving her training up to Alejandro.


  • Mental Attributes: Intelligence 2, Wits 3, Resolve 3
  • Physical Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
  • Social Attributes: Presence 4, Manipulation 3, Composure 3
  • Mental Skills: Computer 2, Investigation 2, Occult 1, Politics 3.
  • Physical Skills: Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Drive 1, Firearms 1, Larceny 1, Stealth 1, Weaponry (Sword) 3.
  • Social Skills: Empathy (Emotions*, Lies) 3*, Expression 1, Intimidation (Physical Threats) 4, Persuasion 2, Socialize 1, Streetwise (Gangs) 3, Subterfuge 2.
  • Merits: Allies (Gangs) 4, Contacts (Gangs, Black Market, Local Government, Local Spirits) 4, Fame 1, Fighting Style (Fencing) 4, Languages (Spanish) 1, Quick Draw 1, Resources 4 (would be 5 but for his philanthropism), Retainer 3, Weaponry Dodge.
  • Primal Urge: 4
  • Willpower: 6
  • Harmony: 6
  • Virtue: Charity
  • Vice: Pride
  • Health: 8
  • Initiative: 6
  • Defense: 3
  • Speed: 11
  • Renown: Cunning 1, Glory 3, Honor 4, Purity 3.
  • Gifts: (1) Clarity, Loose Tongue, Sense Guilt, Warning Growl, Warrior’s Insight; (2) Alpha’s Aura, Anybeast, Attunement; (3) Hobbling Gaze, Taste of Flaws, Voice of Command; (4) Rage Armor.
  • Rituals: 1; Rites: (1) Funeral Rite, Rite of Dedication, Shared Scent.
  • Fetishes: Conquistador’s Sword (Klaive; Reflexive; doubles Defense during day or full moon, +2 otherwise; Primal Urge x 2 turns) 4, Mask of Life (Tattoo; Reflexive; show no visible injury; once per week) 4.


Pascual (also known as “Don Espada”, the Sword) was born to the old Spanish line of werewolves who have controlled the territory around the Mission for over two centuries. He grew up in the sixties and spent much of the latter part of that decade and the beginning of the next persuing hedonistic ends and ignoring his familial obligations. All of that came to an end around the time of his twenty-fourth birthday when his escalating temper led to an arrest and his father took him aside to tell him what was happening. It was the closest he’d ever been to him; during his childhood he was a distant figure who never seemed a part of the large family except when discipline was needed. The two forged a strong bond during his First Change and afterwards, Pascual did as his father said and was serious about his duties. By the start of the Castro War, he was an accomplished warrior and a vital part of his father’s drug operations as well as his beta. During the war, he fought with honor and skill and when the fires burned out, his father was dead and he was alpha of the pack, but there was little need for adjustment. His pack had already learned that his judgement was sound and was used to deferring to him. The last seventeen years, he has cemented his control of his father’s drug empire, with only a few bodies being necessary to drive the point home that, even though he wasn’t a gangbanger, he was a force to contend with. He has a family of his own now, seven children and a wife, whom he keeps at the same distance his father kept his brothers and sisters. Only twice has anyone ever threatened his family. One was a criminal associate who kidnapped his eldest daughter and intended to have her raped and returned to make his own point, except that Pascual’s pack arrived within half an hour and killed every person in the building. The second time was during the Castro War, when his eldest son was kidnapped and tortured by the Pure. It was the only instance Pascual has killed and Uratha. His son still bears the scars of that encounter, including a fear of his father which he isn’t able to explain. So far, only his middle daughter, Gabriela, has Changed and he is somewhat obsessed with forming the same bond with her as he had with his father, Ignacio. In the community, he is well known and loved, because of his generosity and the unwillingness of he and his pack to involve “civilians” in gang affairs. In fact, his people come down hard on anyone who does so. Nonetheless, he is the distributor for most of the drugs sold in the Mission and surrounding neighborhood. His supplier is a lodgemate in Columbia.

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