FATE Werewolf

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Animist world where only natural things have spirits, artificial thing's spirits are dead. When men lived in the natural world, their spirits mingled with those of animals (often through ritual consumption of kills) and shape-shifter tribes were born. Most have thinned out to the point that shape-shifters are born as throwbacks except to pure bloodlines, though intermarriage is becoming problematic as populations dwindle. The most prolific tribe among Europeans and their colonies are the werewolves.

The Pure are shape-shifters who side with the natural world, practicing shamanism and often fighting against human incursions into wild areas. They consider the war a fight for their existence and humans as a threat, a plague upon the world. They have an excellent relationship with the spirit world. They generally favor their animal nature over their human side and live as wolves. Basically, wolves who can take human shape. Their legends often say that they gained the ability to take human form by devouring humans. Those who truck with human myth claim to descent from Fenrir.

The Forsaken are the werewolves which side with humanity. They see the need to adapt to humanity and the changing world, often focusing on trying to find a balance. They often struggle against destruction of natural areas, as well, but also protect humans from incursions by nature spirits and the Pure. Those that are urban have often lost touch with their spiritual practices and are considered traitors by the spirit world. They are the more traditional humans who can take wolf shape. Their legends tell of them descending from Romulus.

Because of the rarity of shape-shifters, there is a strong cultural prohibition against killing one another.

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