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The chimera of the wastes are nomadic, by nature, as there are few places stable enough to form a permanent settlement, much less take part in agriculture or other settled behavior. Further, the taint of the Void tends to make them restless and impulsive. For survival, some hunt, some use magic to create what they need, and others raid the villages of the March. Because of their diversity, they tend to be accepting of anyone who hasn't directly harmed them, which makes living in the Wastes attractive to pariahs and outcasts from the See (provided they can adjust to the lifestyle change). Magic is a part of life here and chimera have no fear of it nor do they shun those who use it. Similarly, while wary of the Darkness, they aren't particularly afraid of it. Crusading templars are a more present and consistent threat.


One of the rare permanent structures which exist in the Wastes are the missions of the See, which serve primarily as waystations for travelers but some take seriously the secondary purpose of offering the protection of the priesthood to the locals. If a large enough population is accumulated, they will build a chapel and establish the new village as part of the March, thus growing the See. More often, though, the templars assigned to protect the mission hunt the locals out of principle, particularly if they are of alarming aspect or blatant witches or warlocks.

Regions of the Wastes

Faerie Lands

Far to the west, in the dimness of the primordial forest, lie the domains of the Faerie Lords. These magic-wielding chimera are notorious for their whimsical fancies and ability to create beautiful and pleasing illusions which dissolve in the light of day. It is considered to be particularly treacherous to travel in these parts, because one risks not just death, but enslavement by dark sorcery. Stories abound of lost travelers eventually emerging having aged far beyond their years (in See reckoning), telling of the pleasures and treasures which lured them from the light.

Lands of the Djinni

Far to the east, beyond the desert, are lands dominated by cruel beings formed from the very elements, creatures of air, sand, and fire who are rumored to command mighty destructive sorcery. They, too, are said to enslave citizens of the See who unwittingly enter their domains, putting them to back-breaking labor that the weak chimera cannot themselves abide. Young, healthy citizens are said to be considered a great treasure to these creatures, who use them also for their pleasure.

Lands of the Skinchangers

Past the mountains, jungle, and taiga are rumored to be places where vicious half-animal skin-changers live alone or in packs, protecting broad territories that they protect with tooth and claw. It is said that they are particularly vicious during the brief period every day when the light of the temple shines dimly in the Wastes, leading some to believe that these poor creatures are exiled citizens, twisted and warped by exposure to the Void. Residents of the See often scare children with tales of wicked sinners sent away from the Light who turn into such beings.


Beyond the swamp, the stench of decay becomes more pronounced and the Outlands give way to the Shadowlands, home to creatures of very little substance but a knack for imitating the shapes of people, which they do in order to lure unwary travelers into the Darkness. It is whispered that some of these beings are not merely clever chimera and ephemera, but actual ghosts of dead people, but this is considered blasphemy within the See and so is a tale told more in the Outlands than closer to the Temple. What the priests do say is that those who allow themselves to be lured into the Void are liable to join the other shadows as a wraith. This, too, is a common story used to scare children.

Shadow Lands

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