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Wastelander (Chimera)

  • Permanence: +1
  • Typical Wastelander Occupations: Scavenger, Thief, Sorcerer
  • Typical Power Skills: Glamour, Creatures, Transmutation
  • Special Features: Can take power stunts
  • Aspects: Wanderer, Magic-Touched, Fearless


  • Permanence: +2
  • Typical Outlander Occupations: Pirate, Ranger, Explorer
  • Typical Power Skills: Nature, Life, Weather
  • Special Features: Can take a single power stunt (add 'Changeling' to aspect)
  • Aspects: Independent, Hard-Working, Passionate

Outer See

  • Permanence: +3
  • Typical Outer See Occupations: Merchant, Warrior, Bard
  • Typical Power Skills: None
  • Aspects: Rural, Superstitious, Stubborn

Inner See

  • Permanence: +4
  • Typical Inner See Occupations: Merchant, Artificer, Priest
  • Typical Power Skills: None
  • Aspects: Urban, Pious, Hidebound
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