Mountain People
From Gothpoodle
Gorilla/Chimp: High sexual dimorphism: females 4'7" 220lbs; males 6'3", 500lbs. Male hair turns from black to silver-gray on maturity, brown eyes, drum when aggressive.
Short, single syllable, barking sound.
- Hunter-gatherer bands based around patriarchal family, male and his females central, son-as-successor, fight over mating rights and territory, omnivorous (tending carnivorous) and constantly hunting and foraging to maintain bulk, cannibalism and rape common.
- Tribal villages based around patriarchal clans, some limited agriculture and raising pigs and buffalo, settlements in fertile mountain valleys.
- Chiefdoms based around hereditary patriarch, tribute and luxury goods, slavery, religion justifies ruler, centralized justice and ownership. (Just started.)