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Thu Sep 22, 2010

  • Daisy puts forth that the baby may be a scion. Divination is done and it is confirmed. Discuss options. Argument between Daisy and Tolliver.
  • Daisy gets home to a phone call from Larry. Goes to find him in Diana's limo surrounded by dogs, fire ensues.
  • All meet to do further research in preparation.
  • Go to the Stinking Rose to meet Diana, who is cordial, reasonable, and non-threatening. Eva is skeptical.
  • Folks begin working on ritual stuff for the full moon autumn equinox.
  • Dierdre researches demonic scions.
  • Eva goes to work.
  • Tolliver wrangles access to Coit Tower for his evening's working.
  • Daisy makes preparation for ward-enhancing ritual.
  • Tolliver gets a call at just after 5pm that his grandfather was immolated by magic (5pm), calls Dierdre for help securing passage to London.
  • Eva comes to Tolliver's to summon help to accompany him and sees a message from his great-great-grandfather Robert (attacked at 1pm).
  • Tolliver, Eva, and Dierdre go before Lady Rowan and are granted safe passage to London via the Nevernever.
  • Daisy has Preacherman get in touch with Kong's family, goes to Oakland and gets hair.
  • Eva tries to contact Solomon, but he's not at home.
  • Dierdre calls Gideon, who tells her disrupting the ritual is their best shot.
  • End with a Minor Milestone.
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