Annie Bard

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Wizened Writer of the Spring Court

Annie Bard is the drummer and lyricist in the band Premonition.



A short, athletic Caucasian woman in her mid-20s with very short blond hair and blue eyes. She wears tight t-shirts (generally with offensive content), jeans, and black leather boots.

Fae Mein

A short, bald woman with pointed ears and chin, sharp teeth, silver-gray skin and bright blue eyes too large for her face. Her entire body is covered in blue writing, though the script isn't recognizable, and her fingers are stained black with ink. The air around her smells fresh and clean.

Storytelling Hints

She is sarcastic, blunt, and abrasive and lives for music, sex, and drinking. She always has a small notebook with her and scribbles in it obsessively, with the air of someone possessed.

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