Session 24

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Saturday, October 6, 2007

Wednesday, June 27, 2007 (continued)

  • Pack loses access to telecommunications at dawn.
  • (NPC) Phelan pack reorganization is completed.
  • (NPC) Devlin's Child whispers in Phillip's ear about Hugh.
  • Pack hires Twilight to be their mobile phone.
  • John Chan offers regrets and assistance with the problem.
  • Pack gets an audience with the Silicon Empress.
  • Lee calls Janice and is invited to Doyle's to meet Michelle.
  • Pack talks about things at the Japanese Tea Garden.
  • Lee talks to Simon about Mad Martin.
  • DeAndre goes up to the Old Orchard and asks Xavier about Kinugal.
  • Lee takes a walk with John Chan in the Presidio.
  • Lee and Christoval talk to Fred.
  • DeAndre and Xavier summon a Cahalunim and get answers about Kinugal.
  • Everyone gathers at Old Orchard to compare notes.
  • DeAndre summons the Cahalunim again and it talks to the whole pack.
  • Pack takes Grandfather Jiang to the Japanese Tea Garden to talk.
  • Christoval lets Jiang drive back to Portsmouth Square.
  • (NPC) Baron Coleman contacts Judith and informs her of the tribunal on Saturday.
  • Pack goes to Doyle's to meet the new Tree-Speakers.

Thursday, June 28, 2007 (Waxing Full)

  • Lee drops in on Judith on her way home.

Experience: 3/82

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