Cult of Lilith

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The Circle of the Crone coterie in San Francisco. Hunting grounds include Haight-Ashbury, Castro, and the area around the park.

Age 20 (85), Female, English, Hope/Greed, Blood Potency 2. Embraced in Boston, came here in 50s fleeing persecution from Lancea. Feeds on men she picks up, studies pagan mysticism and feminism, enjoys driving. Mystic and feminist, havens in a large Victorian in Haight-Ashbury.

Age 16 (73), Female, Chinese, Prudence/Sloth, Blood Potency 2. Embraced by Jianzhen, lured into Circle by Polly shortly after arrival in 1950s. Feeds on animals she carefully tends, tends to the house and garden, enjoys listening. Former servant to Jianzhen, quietly lives with Polly and takes care of haven.

Age 16 (40), Female, Hungarian, Fortitude/Lust, Blood Potency 1. Embraced in New York City, fled here from domineering Ordo Dracul sire. Feeds on groupies, hangs out with neo-hippies and new agers, enjoys music, magic, sex. New age feminist and flower child, havens with Polly in Haight-Ashbury.

Age 21 (37), Female, British, Hope/Sloth, Blood Potency 1. Embraced by Ilona, always getting into trouble, currently interested in BDSM with Katie. Feeds on masters, hangs out in BDSM clubs, addicted to pain, control, and sex. Flower child with poor judgement and submissive tendencies, havens with Polly.

Age 18 (20), Female, Russian-Hispanic, Faith/Pride, Blood Potency 1. Embraced by Polly after she found her out, fought constantly with her father. Feeds on fellow goths, hangs out in coffee shops and clubs, enjoys music, poetry, art. Goth feminist, havens with Polly in Haight-Ashbury.

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