From Gothpoodle
- Anchorage - A stable pathway through the Void, usually between the Outer See and a fief
- Archbishop - An archmage who has joined the priesthood of the See
- Archbishopric - A domain ruled by an archbishop outside of the Inner See
- Archmage - A very powerful sorcerer of mythic proportions
- Archon - A sorcerer whose will sustains a domain
- Avatar - A mythical sorcerer equivalent in power to the Bringer of Dawn; a god
- Baron - A mage who is archon of a domain
- Barony - The most common domain, centered around a single building and a village or two, ruled by a mage
- Bishop - A mage who has joined the priesthood of the See
- Bishopric - A domain ruled by a bishop outside of the Outer See
- Brigand - A warrior not in the service of any archon or realm
- Camp - A temporary realm maintained by a shaman
- Cardinal - A bishop or archbishop administering to the Temple itself
- Cathedral - The center of an archbishopric; the residence of an archbishop; when capitalized, it refers specifically to the cathedrals of the seven cities of the Inner See
- Changeling - A child born with odd gifts or appearance; in the See, it implies deformity and inferiority
- Chapel - A small church; the residence of a priest
- Chimera - Anything with very low permanence
- Church - The center of a bishopric or a town of the Outer See; the residence of a bishop
- Darkness - Another name for the Void; also, the part of the Void an archon cannot banish
- Deacon - A member of the priesthood who assists in the management and administration of a church or cathedral
- Demon - Malicious chimera who delight in the causing of misery; in the See, any chimera or ephemera
- Domain - An island of stability in the Void
- Doppleganger - A chimera capable of changing shape to resemble any humanoid being
- Dross - An object from the wildlands with low Permanence; in the Inner See, it also refers to objects crafted in the outlands
- Duchy - A very rare domain, larger than a barony and often centered around an entire city, ruled by an archmage
- Duke - An archmage who is archon of a domain
- Ephemera - Phantoms in the Void, anything with no permanence
- Faerie - A chimera known for whimsey and a lack of consistent behavior
- Faerie Realms - The Wasteland, particularly where there is a lot of chimera
- Feif - A domain whose archon has sworn loyalty to the See
- Ghost - The ephemera that remains of someone who died
- Gypsy - An outland craftsman who barters his wares within the See
- Homestead - A domain maintained by a wizard
- Lich - A sorcerer revenant; anyone attempting to achieve immortality through the use of magic
- Mage - A powerful sorcerer
- Manor - The center of a barony or duchy; the residence of a baron or duke
- Nocturne - Another name for the Void, particularly the part farthest from the See
- Outlander - Someone who lives in the outlands; someone born in the outlands
- Outlands - An unstable area where a domain begins to give way to the Void (also Wildlands); capitalized, it refers to the outlands of the See
- Paladin - A warrior sworn to the service of an archon
- Pastor - A member of the priesthood in charge of an outland parish and its chapel, usually a priest
- Patriarch - One of the archbishops of the Inner See, the most powerful priests after the Cardinals
- Permanence - The ability of some things to resist the Void; a measure of solidity or stability
- Prelate - A member of the priesthood in charge of a town and its church, usually a bishop
- Priest - A witch who has joined the priesthood of the See; any member of the priesthood
- Realm - A domain maintained by more than one archon (ex. the See of Light, wizard guilds)
- Regent - One who controls or influences the archon of a domain, generally a priest of the See
- Relic - An object created in the City of Light or (more properly) the Temple, known for its resiliance and strength
- Revenant - A dead person kept animate through necromancy
- Shade - A chimera with no solidity, only the appearance of a humanoid form
- Shadow - An ephemera that resembles a known individual; any humanoid ephemera
- Shadowlands - Another name for the Wasteland, particularly where there are many ghosts and shadows
- Shaman - A sorcerer with little power; a guide through the Void
- Skinchanger - A chimera capable of shifting between an animal form and a humanoid one
- Sorcerer - A being of strong will, capable of lending permanence; also, one trained in magical arts
- Templar - A warrior oathed to the See and bound to obey the priesthood
- Temple - The Temple of Light, the immortal heart of the See, located in the center of the City of Light
- Void - The Darkness that lies beyond the border of all domains, the chaotic realm of the ephemera (also called the Darkness or the Nocturne)
- Wasteland - The area of a domain closest to the Void, where it is always night and the chimera live (also called the Faerie Realms or the Shadowlands)
- Wastes - Another name for the Wasteland
- Wildlands - Another name for the Outlands
- Will - The force behind permanence, possessed only by sentient beings
- Witch - A sorcerer of average power and abilities (male witches are sometimes called Warlocks)
- Wizard - A witch who has established a homestead or guild in the Void or along the wastes
- Wraith - What remains of someone whose permanence was lost to the Void
- Zombie - An animated corpse with no will of its own