From Gothpoodle
- Scenario: Apocalypse
- Tolliver prepares for the Senior Council visit.
- Tolliver works with Bo on the downfall of Larios.
- Daisy works on her mental defenses, wards, and swordsmanship.
- Tolliver puts the aspect CIVILIZED THINGS on Adrian Dumont.
- Tolliver puts the aspect NEW WORLD ALLY on Samuel Kaplan.
Sat Jan 28 2012
- Meet with the Senior Council just after dawn at the Coit Tower.
- Daisy is forced by Gideon's shadow to soul-gaze the Merlin/Cain.
- Daisy tells Eva, who soul-gazes him as well.
- Rakoczy and Kaplan stay behind and are read into the conspiracy.
- Tolliver sees Cain's influence on Eva through the Sight and blocks it out.
- Rakoczy leaves to talk to Arsalan and curse Cain.
- Daisy has Bob leave a message for Peter Black.
- Return to Tolliver's with everyone in tow.
- Peter Black arrives and agrees to take the offer of service to Santa.
- Daisy leaves a message for Joan, warning her the wardens are coming.
- Grace wants to go to warn Gail, Raul is going with, but Tolliver stops them.
- Tolliver appears in Gail's mirror and suggests she take Joan and go to her demense.
- Eva calls her kids and Daisy calls Tina and they come to the house.
- Grace helps everyone remove their mental blocks and then helps Tolliver use his intellectus better.
- End with a Minor Milestone.