Moon Court

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(Cloak of Night {{3dots}})
Line 160: Line 160:
|Prerequisites=Mantle (Moon) {{2dots}} or Court Goodwill (Moon) {{4dots}}
|Prerequisites=Mantle (Moon) {{2dots}} or Court Goodwill (Moon) {{4dots}}
|Cost=2 Glamour
|Cost=2 Glamour
|Dice Pool=Dexterity + Stealth + Mantle (Moon)
|Dice Pool=Dexterity + Larceny + Mantle (Moon)
|Catch=The character is currently engaged in activities which are immoral or illegal.
|Catch=The character is currently engaged in activities which are immoral or illegal.

Revision as of 20:11, 8 January 2009

These are the contracts of the Moon Court in the Second Chances campaign.

Contract of Fleeting Night

Under the cover of night, the wicked feel free to cavort, the night predators hunt for blood, and the freakish and ugly make their rounds while the eyes of society are closed in sleep. The Contract of Night manipulates disgust, vice, and wicked things. If the contract is invoked in line with the character's Vice, the roll gets a +2 bonus.

Dark Secrets

The character gains knowledge of the subject's disgusting and sinful urges.

Prerequisites: None
Cost: 1 Glamour
Dice Pool: Wits + Wyrd – subject’s Composure
Action: Instant
Catch: The subject has confessed something they are ashamed of to the character.

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The character receives an erroneous impression, believing the subject has a sinful impulse they do not.
Failure: The character senses nothing.
Success: The character acquires knowledge of the subject's Vice.
Exceptional Success: The character has a vision of the last time the subject's Vice was fulfilled.

Suggested Modifiers
+1The character has a pledge with the subject.
-1The subject has Morality or Clarity 8.
-2The subject has Morality or Clarity 9.
-3The subject has Morality or Clarity 10.

Object of Disgust ••

The character makes themselves repugnant in the eyes of all who see them, who are uncomfortable with their presence and tend to ignore her or do whatever they can to remove themselves from her presence.

Prerequisites: Mantle (Moon) or Court Goodwill (Moon) •••
Cost: 1 Glamour
Dice Pool: Presence + Intimidation + Mantle (Moon)
Action: Instant
Catch: The character makes an obvious display of their Vice (show a breast for Lust, drinking from a bottle in a paper bag for Gluttony, etc).

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The character suffers from a skewed version of the desired effect, gaining -2 to all Social rolls until the next sunrise from the disgust of those who interact with her.
Failure: The character fails to invoke the clause.
Success: For the rest of the scene, the character gets a bonus equal to half their Wyrd (rounded up) to all Stealth, Persuasion, or Intimidation rolls involving getting people to ignore her, leave her alone, or do something quickly so she will leave.
Exceptional Success: All rolls also gain 9-again.

Suggested Modifiers
+1The character smells strongly of garbage, excrement, urine, or booze.

Dark Urges •••

The character represses the inhibitions and moral impulses of the subject under the cloak of night, making it easier for them to sin.

Prerequisites: Mantle (Moon) •• or Court Goodwill (Moon) ••••
Cost: 2 Glamour
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Persuasion + Mantle (Moon) – subject’s Resolve
Action: Instant
Catch: Both the character and the subject are in a darkness or shadows.

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The clause turns on the character, who can't regain Willpower from their Virtue until the next sunrise.
Failure: The character fails to invoke the contract.
Success: The character represses the subject's moral drives, making it so that they can't regain Willpower from their Virtue for one day per success gained. Also, if they are forced to make a degeneration roll during pursuit of their Vice, they regain all Willpower from it rather than just one.
Exceptional Success: The effect lasts a full lunar month.

Suggested Modifiers
-1The subject has Morality or Clarity 8.
-2The subject has Morality or Clarity 9.
-3The subject has Morality or Clarity 10.

Forbidden Fruit ••••

The character presents an opportunity to indulge the subject's Vice in the safe embrace of the night.

Prerequisites: Mantle (Moon) ••• or Court Goodwill (Moon) •••••
Cost: 2 Glamour; add 1 Willpower to affect a supernatural subject
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Empathy + Mantle (Moon) – subject’s Resolve
Action: Reflexive
Catch: The character shares the Vice of the subject.

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The character offends the subject and is at -2 to all Social rolls with them for the rest of the scene.
Failure: The character fails to affect the subject.
Success: This clause must be invoked when the character presents an opportunity for the subject to indulge their Vice. Presenting a feast to a glutton or the chance to steal something valuable to the greedy. The subject accepts the proposition and gives into their Vice on a success.
Exceptional Success: The subject binges, pursuing activity in accordance with their Vice until the next sunrise.

Suggested Modifiers
+1The character is actively taking part themselves (helping in the robbery, participating in the sex, eating the grand meal).
-1The subject has Morality or Clarity 8.
-2The subject has Morality or Clarity 9.
-3The subject has Morality or Clarity 10.

Pariah •••••

The character turns someone into a social pariah - an object of disgust, derision, and scorn.

Prerequisites: Mantle (Moon) 4
Cost: 3 Glamour
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Socialize + Mantle (Moon) vs. Composure + Wyrd
Action: Extended and Contested (one success for every five people present, each roll represents one minute of extolling the subject's flaws and faults)
Catch: The character reveals a previously unknown sin or shameful act by the subject.

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The clause backfires, affecting the character for one scene instead of the subject.
Failure: The character fails to invoke the desired effect.
Success: The subject becomes disgusting to all present, who look down at them and are reticent to listen to anything they have to say as well as believe anything bad said of them. For the duration of the scene, all Social rolls made by the subject are reduced to a chance die and any rolls anyone makes to convince the crowd of something bad about them gain the rote quality.
Exceptional Success: The character rolls many more successes than the subject and makes great headway.

Suggested Modifiers
+1The character knows the subject’s Vice.
+1The subject has confessed to some wrongdoing or sin in the current scene.
-1The subject has Morality or Clarity 8.
-2The subject has Morality or Clarity 9.
-3The subject has Morality or Clarity 10.

Contract of Eternal Night

At dusk, darkness takes over and it becomes the time of monsters, magic, and illicit activities. This contract controls sleep, darkness, and magic.

Eyes of the Nocturnal

The character gains the eyes of a nocturnal creature, able to see with little light even over long distances.

Prerequisites: None
Cost: 1 Glamour
Dice Pool: Wits + Survival + Mantle (Moon)
Action: Instant
Catch: The character has not eaten during daylight hours for the last 24 hours.

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The character's vision is overcome by the night, giving them a -2 to all Perception rolls for the rest of the scene.
Failure: The character fails to invoke the contract.
Success: The subject gains the ability to see in the dark like a nocturnal animal for the rest of the scene. Perception rolls are not penalized by low light or darkness. However, they are penalized by -2 in the presence of bright light.
Exceptional Success: The subject is not penalized in the presence of bright light.

Song of Somnus ••

The character coaxes the subject's body into thinking it is night so that they fall asleep.

Prerequisites: Mantle (Moon) or Court Goodwill (Moon) •••
Cost: 1 Glamour
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Persuasion + Mantle (Moon) - subject's Resolve
Action: Instant
Catch: The character lets a handful of sand slip through his fingers.

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The character is overcome with a need to sleep and suffers a -2 penalty to all actions for the rest of the scene.
Failure: The character fails to invoke the contract.
Success: The subject falls asleep. They can be awakened but they must make a Resolve + Composure roll to respond. Even if they do wake up, they are at a penalty equal to half the character's Wyrd (rounded up) to all actions for the rest of the scene from fatigue.
Exceptional Success: The subject cannot be awakened for the duration of the scene.

Suggested Modifiers
+1The subject is already fatigued by lack of sleep.
-1In a sunlit area

Cloak of Night •••

The character calls on night's ability to conceal illicit activities from prying eyes.

Prerequisites: Mantle (Moon) •• or Court Goodwill (Moon) ••••
Cost: 2 Glamour
Dice Pool: Dexterity + Larceny + Mantle (Moon)
Action: Instant
Catch: The character is currently engaged in activities which are immoral or illegal.

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The character is blinded by the darkness and suffers a -2 penalty to all actions for the remainder of the scene.
Failure: The character fails to invoke the contract.
Success: The character gains a bonus to Stealth, Larceny, and Subterfuge rolls equal to half their Wyrd (round up) for the rest of the scene. In addition, they suffer no untrained penalty for these skills.
Exceptional Success: All rolls with these skills also gain 9-again.

Suggested Modifiers
+1It is night time
-2In a sunlit area
-1In a well lit area

Blessing of Isis ••••

The character invokes the power of night to make magic easier and more powerful.

Prerequisites: Mantle (Moon) ••• or Court Goodwill (Moon) •••••
Cost: 3 Glamour
Dice Pool: Presence + Occult + Mantle (Moon)
Action: Extended (each success increases the radius by the character's Wyrd and represents one minute)
Catch: The character is dressed all in black.

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The character offends the powers of the night and suffers a -2 to all rolls to invoke Contracts for the rest of the scene.
Failure: The character fails to invoke the contract.
Success: The character calls forth the night, causing a shadowy pall to fall upon an area, within which all rolls to invoke Contracts are 9-again and no Glamour needs to be spent to activate tokens or gateways.
Exceptional Success: All Contracts cost one less Glamour to invoke (to a minimum of zero).

Suggested Modifiers
-2During the day
-5In direct sunlight

Night Walker •••••

The character has becoming a true denizen of the night and can walk through the shadows to reach her destination.

Prerequisites: Mantle (Moon) ••••
Cost: 3 Glamour (+1 Willpower if Reflexive)
Dice Pool: Wits + Stealth + Mantle (Moon)
Action: Instant or Reflexive
Catch: The character is fleeing punishment for some crime or indiscretion.

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The character emerges in the Hedge instead of her intended destination.
Failure: The character fails to invoke the contract.
Success: The character teleports from one location to another within a number of yards equal to the character’s Wyrd x 10. The shadows used must be large enough for the character to step into or fall through. The character cannot use her own shadow. The character does not need to know where exactly she is going, just the approximate distance and direction.
Exceptional Success: The character appears at the most advantageous position in the direction chosen. The character must still appear from a shadow of sufficient size.

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