The Cannibal

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Revision as of 18:51, 3 January 2009

Fetch: Dead
Seeming: Ogre
Kith: Gristlegrinder
Court: Moon
Entitlements: None
Virtue: Faith
Vice: Gluttony

Cannibalistic Serial Killer

The Cannibal is a monster kept under control by its unwavering love for Ophelia. It would gladly die for his charge and relies on her acceptance of his appetites to remind himself that he is still a person and act accordingly.


A huge (7'6"), morbidly obese (1000lbs) man with a huge, sharp-toothed lantern jaw. His skin is the unhealthy gray of corpses, his hair is long, black, and greasy, and his eyes are black under a protruding brow. He wears a long patchwork leather coat with no shirt, charcoal gray sweatpants, and work boots. He smells of blood, freshly dug earth, and old sweat. Darkness seems to exude from his pores like a miasma.


A huge, obese man of indeterminate middle age with greasy black hair and dark eyes.

Storytelling Hints

Talk to yourself, get angry if asked about your past, loom over people, be overly protective of Ophelia.


  • Mental Attributes: Intelligence 2, Wits 3, Resolve 4
  • Physical Attributes: Strength 4 (pumpable), Dexterity 2, Stamina 3
  • Social Attributes: Presence 3, Manipulation 2, Composure 2 (no 10-again)
  • Mental Skills: Crafts (Leatherworking) 1, Medicine 1, Politics 1.
  • Physical Skills: Athletics 1, Brawl (Grapple) 5 (pumpable), Drive 1, Larceny 4 (+2 manual), Stealth (Ambush) 5 (from Motley Oath), Survival 1.
  • Social Skills: Animal Ken 1, Intimidation 4 (pumpable), Streetwise (Storm Drains) 3, Subterfuge 4.
  • Merits: Brawling Dodge 1, Danger Sense 2 (from Motley Oath), Giant 4, Hidden Life 3, Mantle 5, New Identity 2, Resources 1, Shared Guilt (Milestone).


  • Willpower: 6
  • Health: 9
  • Initiative: 4
  • Defense: 2
  • Armor: 0
  • Speed: 11

Changeling Traits

  • Clarity: 1 (-3 on Perception)
  • Wyrd: 5
  • Glamour/per Turn: 14/5
  • Contracts: Eternal Night 1, Fleeting Night 2, Smoke 5, Stone 5.
  • Pledges: Commendation and Motley Oath (Ophelia the Corpse Child).


  • Flaws: Cumbersome, Cannibal.
  • Derangements: Avoidance (mild), Phobia (mountains) (mild), Vocalization (mild).
  • Frailties: None


Coat of Skin (Hedgespun Raiment 1, Armor 1/0).


Mortal Life

Jonas doesn't like to think about his old life. He remembers cold and hunger and death. He sometimes has nightmares of the mountains, which terrify him. If he forces himself to remember, he recalls whispers from the snowstorm telling him to kill and eat his companions, that it was the only way to get rid of the hunger. He recalls the blood and the sound of joints separating under his hands and his hatchet.


He escaped early on from the freezing mountain domain of his Keeper (the same creature that took Jangling Jack) but couldn't bring himself to return home. Instead, he wandered Faerie until he found a field of endless corpses where he could sate the hunger he couldn't rid himself of. It were here that he met Ophelia and, after a long conversation with her, realized that he could be a man again. He took her and returned to the world, brutally killing anything that tried to stop them. Her faith in him kept him strong.

Changeling Life

When they returned home in 1964, he tracked down his fetch in a nursing home near Carson City, abducted and ate him with Ophelia present. It didn't restore his humanity, as he hoped, but it formed a bond between them that has allowed him to sustain his meager level of sanity. When the freehold discovered them a year after their arrival, the Moon Court seemed a perfect fit, though even they had issues with The Cannibal. Only Ophelia's reassurances calmed them. When the Night King went missing in 1981, he went to John Noir and told him that Ophelia would be Queen. John agreed, though he suspects not due to the implied threat. Since then, The Cannibal has acted as Ophelia's bodyguard. He has a job as a grave-digger to support them and steals corpses to feed his hunger until it grows too strong, at which point he hunts and eats one of the homeless in the storm drains. Among the hardcore homeless, he is spoken of in hushed whispers and it is they who gave him his name.

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