Werewolf History

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Native Period (pre-1776)

A single pack known as the Mist Walkers patrolled the peninsula.

Spanish Period (1776-1822)

The Mist Walkers fought the Spanish incursion into their territory, driving off any Hispanic Uratha who came or underwent First Change. They were taken in by a small Pure pack on the north side of the bay who called themselves the Lords of the Mist.

Mexican Period (1822-1847)

As their people died out, the Mist Walkers began to recruit from the other tribes. Also, as interbreeding became more frequent, the lines between the natives and Hispanics blurred, leading to a gradual cessation of hostilities but only after several outbreaks of open violence and revolt.

Barbary Coast (1847-1906)

All remaining differences were forgotten in the chaos of the Gold Rush and the years that followed. The Mist Walkers pack split twice in this period along tribal lines, with the Uratha desparate to keep up with the new spirits and loci appearing every day. Disease spirits ran rampant while spirits of greed, gold, and violence moved back and forth across the Gauntlet unimpeded. The raging fires gave birth to a powerful spirit which allied with a newly formed Pure pack of Russian descent. For years, the Forsaken and Pure warred amidst the wreckage of a ravaged Shadow San Francisco.

Reconstruction (1906-1950)

The war came to a head with the Pure making an alliance with the powerful fire spirit which had been fed by the initial conflagrations which had swept through the city and coordinating with the Lords of the Mist to rouse the Earth Dragon. During the aftermath of the resulting earthquake, the three Forsaken packs were decimated but the Lords of the Mist were driven back across the bay and the Russian Pure pack was thought to be exterminated. As the city was rebuilt, the remaining Uratha reformed the old Mist Walkers pack and agreed to put aside racial, cultural, and ideological differences to dedicate themselves to defending the city. As more Uratha arrived or Changed, the pack began to split again until there were five, one for each tribe: Insert Tribe Names Here.

Counterculture (1950-1980)

Two new Pure packs formed in the city under the direction of Ivory Claws from Los Angeles, the Insert Pack Name Here and Insert Pack Name Here. The now more organized Forsaken were able to drive them away from the core of the city, but they remained on the periphery, digging in and securing territories until the city expanded to include them. Attempts by the five Forsaken packs to uproot them were sabotaged by the need to police the spirits being spawned by the new radicalism and the backlash against it, including a resurgence of the old spirits of bigotry, fear, and hatred that were suppressed after the earthquake.

Decline (1980-1990)

The outbreak of AIDS leads to a resurgence in the power of plague spirits as well as an infestation of Rat Hosts which the Pure use to their advantage, feeding power to the Earth Dragon resulting in another major earthquake. The event reveals that the Russian Pure pack thought to have been destroyed after the 1906 quake have been underground, continuing to plot the destruction of the city and the Forsaken. Conflict never escalates past small skirmishes with all of the other distractions. Eventually, the disease spirits are mostly contained but the Rat Host infestation is deep and, though a few major nests are destroyed, there are assumed to be more.

Dot-Com Boom (1990-2000)

Present (post-2000)

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