Secrets of the Darkest Shadow

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Greater Jaggling, Celestial Spirit, Lunar Choir

Secrets of the Darkest Shadow was forcibly bound into a Moonshunner over a century ago to be tortured by Sailor's Curse. It was released by the pack and owes it a debt of gratitude.


A huge bird made of shadow and moonlight.

Storytelling Hints

This spirit collects secrets, but only the darkest and most hidden. It is fascinated by shame and deception.


  • Rank: 4
  • Attributes: Power 12, Finesse 10, Resistance 10.
  • Willpower: 22
  • Essence: 25
  • Initiative: 20
  • Defense: 12
  • Speed: 32
  • Size: 7
  • Corpus: 17
  • Influences: Darkness 4, Knowledge 4.
  • Numina: Chorus, Commune, Concealment, Greater Influence (x4), Material Vision, Seek.
  • Ban: It can deny no service when offered a secret known to only one person as chiminage.


Secrets is the keeper of the most deeply held secrets, things so dark and private that they are only imagined or, if they are enacted, are done so away from all sight, in the deepest darkness and most hidden places. It had existed for uncounted eons before being summoned and forcibly bound into a Pure fetish over a century ago. Now it is free again and back to watching the darkness for secret knowledge.

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