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Greater Gaffling, Elemental Spirit, Water Choir

Dolores is pack totem to the Cabelleros de los Dolores and is moored to the remainders of the Lago de los Dolores.


Dolores appears as a weeping maiden and is never far from the pool which is all that remains of the lake she once was.

Storytelling Hints

One of the few elemental spirits in the Court of the Phoenix, Dolores still mourns what she was and what is lost. She is a moderating voice, reminding the court that the risks and losses they may be willing to accept now may be regretted tomorrow. She is well-respected, particularly in the Mission District, for her wisdom and compassion. The Court of the Bay considers her a magath.


  • Attributes: Power 2, Finesse 3, Resistance 4.
  • Willpower: 6
  • Essence: 15
  • Initiative: 7
  • Defense: 3
  • Speed: 5
  • Size: 5
  • Corpus: 9
  • Influences: Water 1, Sorrow 1.
  • Numina: Emotional Aura, Harrow, Material Vision, Mortal Mask.
  • Ban: She would be destroyed should the last waters of the lake be dispersed.

Pack Totem

  • Bonuses: +1 Empathy (given), Empathy Specialty (Emotion), Gift: Call Water (pack).
  • Ban: No member of the pack may have a Harmony score lower than 6.
  • Cost: 12


Dolores isn’t a strong spirit, but she is patient and wise and is very well respected in the local Shadow. The pack doesn’t gain much from having her as their totem other than better treatment from the spirits of the Mission, but that has gone a long way toward making their life easier. They know that she keeps them on the right path and respect them for choosing her over a more violent and empowering spirit. She teaches her children how to feel the pain of others as well as the gift of calling water.

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