Aunt Spinner

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Azarath (Hybrid)


The Aunt’s lower body is that of a giant spider with four furry legs and a swollen, armored abdomen. Her upper body is covered in dark brown chitin, hairless, and possessing of four arms, two humanoid and two which are barbed bone spurs. Her entire lower face is given over to the mandibles and pedipalps of a spider but the top of her head is that of a bald, black man with a helmet of dark armor. ==Storytelling Hints==The Aunt Spinner is a warrior, living for battle, and it has been a long while since she got one. She will revel in the combat and never retreat, only detouring to protect her sister. The rest of the time she spins webs, mostly in the spirit world, and hunts the territory around their locus, killing and eating any spirit which intrudes or is caught in her webs.


  • Mental Attributes: Intelligence 1, Wits 3, Resolve 2.
  • Physical Attributes: Strength 6, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4.
  • Social Attributes: Presence 2, Manipulation 1, Composure 2.
  • Mental Skills: Investigation 1, Medicine 1, Occult 2.
  • Physical Skills: Athletics 2, Brawl (Bite) 4, Stealth (Moving Silently) 4, Survival 2.
  • Social Skills: Animal Ken (Spiders) 3, Intimidation 3.
  • Merits: Brawling Dodge (+5), Fast Reflexes 2, Fleet of Foot 3, Iron Stamina 3, Toxin Resistance.
  • Aspects: Additional Arms 1, Additional Legs 1, Azarath Joining, Breach the Barrier, Chelicerae, Chitin-Skin, Demonic Size 1, Eviscerating Bone-Scythes, Gauntlet Webs, Horned Abdomen, Hydraulic Muscles, Pedipalps, Protected Abdomen, Swarm Discorporation, Swollen Abdomen, Unearthly Horror, Wall Climb.
  • Willpower: 4
  • Essence: 4
  • Virtue: Faith
  • Vice: Pride
  • Size: 7
  • Health: 11
  • Initiative: 8
  • Defense: 2 (5/4 Armor)
  • Speed: 16


The Aunt Spinner was of the same egg cache as the Dark Mother and awoke when she did, during the 1906 Earthquake. The two of them consumed their sisters but both were too powerful to destroy each other and so they made peace. While the Dark Mother took a host, her sister stayed in the dark of the basement and emerged only to help with the kills. When she grew powerful enough to merge with a human host, she took a large black man and brutally transformed his body, turning it into something almost wholly inhuman. She bides her time until she can finish the transformation and regain her natural shape. In the meantime, she protects her egg-laying sister, accepting her dominance out of faith for the gift she’s been given.


Anyone grappling the Aunt Spinner takes 2L per round due to horns.

Type Damage Dice Pool Notes
Bite 3 (L) 15 Toxicity 7 Poison
Bone Scythes 2 (L) 13 1E for aggravated
Grapple 0 (B) 12
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